30 Simple Ways To Raise Your Vibrational Energy Right Now

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In today’s world, it can be difficult to live a positive life. There are so many stresses and reasons to feel depressed. Our culture is demanding, our work often dull and boring. Our souls just aren’t equipped for this kind of a life! But fortunately, there are some habits we can add to our lives to raise our vibrational energy and be beacons of positivity.

  1. Just smile throughout the day.
  2. Get at least 15 minutes of sunshine every day.
  3. Surround yourself with positive people as much as you can.
  4. Disconnect from technology and connect with Mother Earth.
  5. Speak with God, Your Guides, The Universe, or yourself. Whichever means the most to you.
  6. Read things that inspire you.
  7. Stay active every day.
  8. Do something for yourself that you truly enjoy every day.
  9. Compliment yourself daily.
  10. Bathe yourself in epsom salts.
  11. Laugh often!
  12. Help needy people in your community.
  13. Release your worry.
  14. Daydream as much as you want.
  15. Leave your comfort zone sometimes.
  16. Check something big off your to do list every day.
  17. Focus in on the things that make you happy.
  18. Greet people, even strangers, as they pass.
  19. Spend time with an animal (if you aren’t allergic)
  20. Reflect on that for which you are grateful.
  21. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
  22. Get plenty of physical activity.
  23. Just believe in yourself.
  24. Make goals and achieve them.
  25. Don’t compromise your morals or beliefs.
  26. Hug often.
  27. Focus in on what you’re doing.
  28. Eat Brazil Nuts. They’re great for your health.
  29. Stay well hydrated!
  30. Listen to your favorite music.

What other things do you do to raise your vibrational energy?