4 Simple Ways To Rebuild Trust In Any Relationship

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People don’t always do the best they can or live up to our expectations of them. Romantic partners, family members, and friends are all in a position to let us down, or fracture our trust and reliance on them. Try to realize it hurts so much because we acknowledge their potential and how much we care about them.

Moving past mistakes and rebuilding trust, is a process that can take a long time and a lot of effort. Instead of shutting down emotionally, here are some things to keep in mind as you attempt to rebuild trust.

Look At The Bigger Picture

A greyscale image of a table covered in photos.
Pexels / Valeria Boltneva
Pexels / Valeria Boltneva

A broad and varied perspective is necessary to discern between minor breaches and major breaches of trust. Some one cheating on you has a different effect than them being late to dinner. It is up to you to weigh the importance of their actions and how you choose to react.

Take what they have to say into consideration. Listen to them fairly. try to step back and look at the situation as a whole. How emotional are you right now? Are you able to be intellectually and emotionally discerning? Do you believe their side of the story?

Learn how to keep your relationship alive, click here and watch this free video from relationship expert, Amy North.