5 Core Differences Between Spirituality And Religion

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People who claim to be spiritual are often faced with a very conflicting question about whether or not they are religious. Most of the time people think the two are basically the same thing all in one.

However, this is not the truth in the slightest. Being spiritual or being religious are two very separate matters of living. Sometimes when people try to explain why they are spiritual compared to being religious, they have a hard time describing the differences and what it means to them as a whole.

Spirituality Is About Love, Not Fear

Religion has a very primary aspect that sinks deep within everyone once they have devoted themselves to that specific religion. As we have seen many times before, this aspect we refer to is fear. Spirituality does not address fear but shows how you can face it with the power of love.

Spirituality allows a person to dive deep within themselves to find the pieces and little things that they love about themselves, then encourages them to go even further with these new found insights of the world as well as themselves. Fear does not allow us to do these things, instead fear teaches us how to hate and be angry at things we cannot change.