105-Year-Old WWII Veteran Shares His Secret For Long Life
In life, we want to spend as much time with our loved ones as possible. They're the ones who nourish our souls, who bring us joy even in the darkest times, and who make us excited to wake up again the next day.
There's no guarantee how long we'll get to spend with them, but there is advice we can take from both health professionals and those who have lived not only an impressive amount of time but an impressive life in general.
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Your Life As A Novel

When looking at the story of your life, what chapters are present? What feats, what accomplishments? Have you lived a rich history full of stories you would love to tell your grandchildren about, or do you prefer a more subdued life, one of simple pleasures and love shared?
Also, how long do you think this story will be? Many people dream of living a very long life, but there's no exact science to assuring you'll live as long as you hope. That's why we listen to the advice of those who have made it, like one U.K. man who has not only reached an amazing milestone, but has a lot to show for it too.
A Lifetime Of Service

John Hamilton is a World War II veteran and one of Britain's few surviving Dunkirk heroes.
He joined the army in 1939, serving with the 1st King's Dragoon Guards when he had to be evacuated from the famed beaches of Dunkirk in 1940. He would remain in the military for the next 25 years, serving in places such as Germany, Palestine, and Jordan. After years of active service, he worked as a tank instructor until he retired at 64.
Over A Century

His rich life story doesn't just end there. Though he didn't know it at the time, Hamilton still had a lot of years left to keep things exciting. As of April, 2023, he reached the incredible age of 105.
"I feel good but it's confusing—I’m so full of life and almost waiting for something to go wrong," He said, clearly grateful for the time he's been given.
He did share what he believes is the reason for his long life, and it's generally good advice for everybody.
A Love Of Movement

"The key to a long life is exercising - it makes you physically well but is mentally stimulating too."
Even at over 100 years old, Hamilton remains exceptionally active. He goes to the gym and works out for 90 minutes almost every day, as well as walks a daily mile. He still enjoys pumping weights and making sure he's feeling as fit as he can.
"If I didn't go [exercising] I think my last days would be long gone by now."
Passion For Sport

His love of exercise has been a constant throughout his life. In his youth, he regularly played cricket, rugby, tennis, squash, golf, and polo, not to mention his military service, which definitely allowed him to keep his physique in check.
Hamilton now lives in a nursing home but doesn't let that or anything else stop him—though, due to his age, he was made to slow down his activity a little bit in the past year just to make sure he didn't overexert himself.
More Than Physically Fit

Now a great-grandfather, he's still regularly visited by family and friends alike, many of them showing up to celebrate his recent milestone birthday.
A close friend of his, Adela Forestier-Walker, shared that Hamilton's "probably more alert than most people half his age," adding he has an "incredible memory" and that he still reads "voraciously."
In fact, he was still easily able to recall details from Dunkirk with extreme accuracy, still able to describe how he felt on that fateful day, describing the memories as being "clear as [a] bell."
Perfect Clarity

"I had a sort of aggressive feeling about it," he said. "This is what I have been trained to do. To shoot.
"I am an anti-aircraft gunner, I've got to shoot down airplanes. And I'll do my best to do it."
He also shared memories of friends who have passed. "My oldest friend was Art who died aged 97. We met 80 years ago playing rugby before going our separate ways during the war. I miss him daily. My big family helps to keep me going."
Achieving Greatness Still

Even carrying all this sorrow with him, Hamilton has made sure to keep himself busy by constantly trying new things and setting new goals.
For example, rowing. "I entered a rowing competition 10 years ago and broke the world record for 1000m time trial. It was for people aged between 94 and 99."
He's also not immune to some vices, saying he "still enjoys a glass of wine every other night." He also used to smoke a pipe but gave that up six months ago after losing the pipe. "I took it as a sign and quit after that - I feel better without it - after rowing I used to gasp for air but now I'm full of breath."
A Real-World Hero

As part of his celebration, Hamilton's former school, Clifton College, flew a flag in his honor, with other members of his regiment present.
He was also able to spend the day with his friends and family, who all must be so grateful that he's able to spend so many years with them.
Hamilton's life is not only admirable because of his many feats but because he sets a wonderful example for everyone looking to live a life of longevity like he has, or even those just looking to be healthier. By looking up to him and seeing the benefits that regular exercise can have, many people will be better off for it.
Being this active every day isn't easy for everybody though, as many have confidence issues that make getting up and out extremely difficult. If you struggle with a lack of confidence and it's hindering your life, you can start changing that today.
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