5 Ways Psychopaths Disguise Themselves As Empaths In Relationships
The concept of an empath as an archetype has grown in popularity over the years, with many people wanting to adopt it as empaths are seen as kind, understanding, philanthropic people.
Of course, not everyone who calls themself an empath is one, and many just use the title as a mask to cover up their worst behaviors. These fakes often fit other archetypes of their own, ones much worse than the title of 'empath' would imply.
If you truly believe you're an empath and are ready to adopt the role, you don't have to do it alone.
The Awakened Empath Bundle from Lonerwolf contains everything you need to unlock, practice, and fully understand your empathic abilities. Click here to get started today and see what strength lies within you.
Our Honest Selves

In a relationship, the subtleties often reveal the most about a person's true nature. We're all an amalgamation of all the little habits, behaviors, reactions, and impulses that control our day-to-day lives. Until you can see those subtleties yourself, you'll never truly know who someone is at their core.
There are people who use this fact to their benefit, hiding their worst behavior in small actions and hoping you won't be smart enough to put the pieces together. One type of person who does exactly this is the psychopath, who will often mask themselves as their better twin, the empath, to worm their way into relationships. Here's how you can tell the difference.
An Empath Will Genuinely Apologize

When an empath makes a mistake, they are quick to offer a heartfelt apology. They understand the importance of acknowledging their faults and making amends. Psychopaths, however, rarely offer genuine apologies.
Instead, they might offer a non-apology, deflect blame, or turn the situation around to make it seem like the other person's fault. Anything to avoid actually saying 'I'm sorry' (and meaning it). Apologizing, to them, is akin to admitting defeat, something they'd never do even when they're entirely in the wrong.
Empaths Are Unconditionally Supportive

Empaths are known for their unconditional kindness and support. They offer their love, advice, and assistance freely without expecting anything in return. Meanwhile, psychopaths more often use kindness as a tool for manipulation.
Their kindness is conditional and comes with strings attached, as they always expect something in return or use it to gain favor. This creates a stark power imbalance in the relationship, making the partner feel indebted or obligated to 'payback' tasks that should be commonplace between friends or lovers.
Empaths Are Honest About Their Feelings

Empaths are open and generous with their emotions, sharing their feelings and encouraging their partners to do the same, while psychopaths will purposefully withhold their emotions as a form of control.
By being emotionally unavailable, they keep their partners on edge, able to release their anger at a moment's notice for no discernible reason. They become a constant ticking time bomb, only exploding when they know it'll hurt their partner, too. This leaves the partner not only anxious at all times but also beholden to the psychopath's feelings like they're somehow responsible for the other's happiness.
Step into your role as a true empath today, click here to learn more and see all the ways that being an empath can improve your life.
Empaths Let You Take Your Time

Empathic individuals are attuned to the natural ebb and flow of life and understand that not everything requires immediate attention. They'll respect your time and communicate openly about deadlines or expectations, wanting you to be on the same page.
On the other hand, a psychopath thrives on creating a constant sense of urgency. They may impose unrealistic deadlines or present situations as emergencies to keep you off balance and dependent on them for guidance. Similar to the last point, this creates a constant sense of anxiety, which can easily begin to unravel your sanity.
Empaths Understand Your Vulnerabilities

Empaths view your vulnerabilities as aspects of your humanity that deserve respect and care. They're understanding, helping you work through these insecurities and set any necessary boundaries. An empathic partner will never use your weaknesses against you but will instead provide a safe space for you to grow and heal.
Meanwhile, a psychopath may subtly exploit your vulnerabilities to gain control over you. They might use your fears and insecurities to manipulate your decisions, often framing their actions as concern or advice. All this does is whittle down your psyche into whatever shape they want.
Knowing The Truth

Understanding the differences between empathetic behaviors and those of covert psychopaths can help you keep an eye out for any red flags while testing the waters with someone new. Remember, psychopaths and other manipulators don't show these traits right away. They bury them with tactics like love-bombing, hoping you won't see their true intentions until they've got their claws in you.
Relationships should have trust, kindness, and love at their core. When you dig away at why you're with somebody, that's what you should find at the center, not fear, anxiety, or obligation.