5-Year-Old Boy Dies In His Mother’s Arms, And His Last Words Are An Important Life Lesson For All
No matter how hard we try, we can never be fully prepared to lose a loved one. For most people, death and the afterlife are the scariest part of human nature. And what comes with death is the loss of someone we care for deeply.
That loss can be exponential when it is the loss of a child. Children are a parents greatest treasure. The youthfulness, pureness, and innocence of children bring joy to the lives around them. This tragic story about a mother who loses her child too early is a tear-jerking reminder to live each day like it's our last.
Meet Charlie Proctor

Charlie Proctor was a superhero that was taken from this earth too soon. At only five years old, this tiny boy fought for his life to beat his cancer diagnosis.
The child was fighting liver cancer when he was further diagnosed with a rare tumour known as Hepatoblastoma. Even while living in terminally-ill conditions, Charlie remained as hopeful as a young boy could. The positive energy this child was able to radiate even in such unfavourable circumstances proves him to be an angel sent from above.
Hepatoblastoma: What Is It?

The universe sends its toughest battles to its strongest soldiers. Hepatoblastoma, the sickness that Charlie suffered at the end of his battle, is a rare disease. The survival rates of this type of tumour are very low, and it's such an uncommon diagnosis that there's not much science surrounding it.
The treatment for this disease is chemotherapy, surgery, and in some cases, organ transplants. Hepatoblastoma is a hard mountain to climb, especially for a young person. Charlie's ability to hold on for as long as he could was truly a small miracle.
The Resilience Of Humans

Living with an illness or a disability proves a person's resilience. When faced with pain and struggles, the love and care of family and friends is often the one light at the end of the tunnel. Charlie's young mother, 24-year-old Amber, was his divinely sent guardian angel.
A mother's love is unbeatable, and Charlie's parents stuck by his side every step of the way. His mother explained how difficult the journey was. The child was born "cheeky" and "hilarious", but was transformed into "agitated" and "depressed'. All in all, when times get tough, we are lucky that those who support us prove to be even tougher.
A Parent's Love

Being a good parent means trying our hardest to make the impossible, possible. Charlie's parents were determined to save their child. Hoping for a miracle from the universe, they began trying to get their son an organ transplant.
Luck was not on their side, and Charlie got denied for an NHS transplant. No matter what it would take, they would not stop there. With blind faith, Amber and Ben Proctor came up with a plan that would rely on the help of angels on earth and up above.
Charlie's Chapter

After being denied funding from healthcare services, Charlie was counting on his parents to come up with the resources that would save his life. Amber and Ben started a Facebook page called Charlie's Chapter that shared his story with followers worldwide.
Along with the online platform, they also started a Go Fund Me to raise money and promote awareness for the heart-wrenching situation. The Proctor's were able to reach tens of thousands of people, with over 40,000 Facebook followers and £359,000 raised.
An Uphill Battle

The Proctor family touched the hearts and souls of strangers all over. Sadly, fate was not on Charlie's side. Even with the heartwarming and overwhelming amount of support and love he received, it was not enough to save his life.
Without the financial resources to pay for an organ transplant, the doctors gave him just a few days to live. This news would not tear the family apart, but instead, bring them closer together. Luckily, the power of love is larger than the price we pay for good health.
His Last Words

It's a true tragedy that a boy as young and soulful as Charlie lost his fight to cancer. Even though he is gone, his memory and story will always remain with the people he left behind.
On the night of his passing, Charlie apologized to his mother for the pain his struggles brought them, "Mummy, I'm so sorry for this." The boy had a peaceful death, held in the arms of his parents and wrapped in the immense power of unconditional, sweet love. In moments like this, we understand that the true point of being alive is to love as much as we can.
A Gift From Above

Everyone we meet is a lesson, a memory, and a blessing. For Charlie's parents, he was their "best friend" and "biggest inspiration." Following his death, his mother felt "the world had lost an incredible little boy."
Charlie's long and painful battle is an example of strength. His capability to radiate love to the hearts of thousands of strangers with his smile shows compassion. And his selflessness in his concern for his family, even in so much pain, proves him to be a gift sent to the world from up above.
Keep Your Heart Wide Open

Unconditional love means staying strong and remaining hopeful through sickness and through health. Cancer is a disease that no one deserves to live with. It is these unfortunate obstacles in life that open our eyes to how lucky we truly are for the things that we take for granted.
Charlie's story breaks hearts, but it also teaches us to keep them open wide while we can. Love your family, cheer for your friends, and help your neighbors. These small acts of kindnesses are what makes humans miraculous creatures.