6 Beliefs That Are Keeping You From Finding A Great Relationship
No one ever said that dating was easy. It's often very hard, actually, especially depending on what you're looking for and what your expectations are. Some people have wonderful luck with modern dating apps, but that method of meeting people doesn't gel with everyone, making that search even harder.
These are all out of your control, though. They can't be changed. Instead, why not focus on the things you can change, like the internal beliefs you may still have that are holding you back from finding that special someone?
Making that first move into a healthier relationship space is scary, you can feel very lost very quickly on the hunt for your soulmate.
If you'd rather have secure, confident knowledge regarding not only your love life but your future soulmate, the people at Soulmate Reading are ready to use their divination tools to help you out. See all the secrets they can uncover today, click here to get started.
Past Perceptions

The thoughts, opinions, and beliefs we have about dating or romance in general are formed over the course of our lives. We build up these expectations based on previous relationships, good or bad, and let them guide us into future romantic endeavors.
That doesn't seem like a bad tactic on its face, we're sometimes unable to tell just how much our histories have soured or poisoned our views on romance. We hold these beliefs that do nothing but prevent us from finding good partners. Below are just some of the beliefs that could be keeping you from landing that perfect relationship.
1. Believing You're Running Out Of Time

It's a common experience to think there's a deadline when it comes to finding a life partner, a 'sooner rather than later' mentality. Society often pushes people into a rush to secure a spouse, have kids, and settle down. The reality is that even if you sprint to a proposal and two kids by thirty, it's no guarantee of relationship bliss. Many who've done all this early still yearn for true companionship.
Why? Because it's not about the timeline, it's about being with someone who brings joy, and that can unfold at any age. People of all ages are discovering fantastic relationships, proving that happiness isn't bound by time but by finding the right connection.
2. Believing You're Not Worth Love

The people that surround us act as mirrors, reflecting back the energies we put out, we receive what we project. If you notice a pattern of attracting partners who are unkind, neglectful, or just not the right fit, it's a mirror of how you treat yourself.
Seeking a loving and respectful partner starts with cultivating love and respect for yourself. Learn to appreciate your strengths, embrace your best qualities, and extend kindness to yourself. In doing so, you create a magnetic energy that draws in a mate who mirrors the love and respect you feel for yourself.
3. Believing Only Your Relationship Struggles Are Important

People tend to get really hung up on dating hurdles they face, so much so that it hinders them from ever discovering meaningful relationships. It's hard, but try not to get too sidetracked by complaining about bad dates, bad exes, or bad apps. Healthy venting is alright, just don't let it take over your whole view on romance.
It's crucial to understand that every negative remark about relationships and dating actively summons undesirable circumstances into your life. Though it may feel cheesy at first, lean heavily into positivity and optimism. After all, your dating journey is influenced by the vibes you put out into the universe.
4. Believing You Need A Partner

Ever notice how things tend to appear when you least "need" them? By constantly chasing after a relationship you think you need in order to be fulfilled, you might be missing out on the opportunities that would bring your real partner to you. Not to mention that relying so strongly on a future potential partner means you'll be living a lesser life in the present.
What we desire often materializes when we embrace the idea of being okay without it. It's actually rather beautiful to find fulfillment when you're content on your own path.
5. Believing In A Hyper-Limited Dating Pool

Many people think the dating scene is tiny, that their chances of finding that perfect someone are one in a million. The truth? Your potential for meaningful connections is endless, and there are thousands upon thousands of perfect matches out there for you. You're only limited by your own beliefs.
With that said, is your vibe attracting the right people into your life? Or is your inherent dismissal pushing them away? Just because you haven't spotted your special someone yet doesn't mean there's a shortage of people out there! It's about tuning into the right emotional frequencies and being open to people you might not initially consider to be your 'type.' Your perfect catch might be closer than you think.
6. Believing Others' Relationships Are Better

When you're single, it's easy to perceive others' relationships through a lens of envy. Yet, envy acts as a force pushing what we desire farther from our grasp. Taming this feeling can be challenging, but it's well worth it, as you'll feel more peaceful and less bitter overall.
Attracting the right mate hinges on self-confidence, fostering positive expectations, and not approaching the journey too solemnly. If the search has been a struggle and watching everyone else parade their partner around has you feeling down, reflect on what might be holding you back. It's often a blend of mindset and perspective that shapes our romantic expectations.
Loving Mistakes

When you're down on your romantic luck, it's hard to dig yourself out of that hole of self-loathing and defeat. We all crave love, so being kept from it by some seemingly invisible force can lead to frustration, sadness, and even anger. This isn't the universe punishing you for anything. You have the inner strength to overcome these struggles.
The first step in doing so is recognizing what they are, where they come from, and how they affect you. Once you're equipped with that knowledge, you can stop letting these beliefs hold you down.
When you're feeling ready to get back out there in a better way, you can make your journey easier by starting on the right foot and in the right place.
To find that place, you might need a little guidance, but there are people who can help. Through the use of more mystical tools, such as divination and astrology, you can learn not only what your luck will look like in love but also specific details about your soulmate. Click here to get chatting today and see what romance awaits.