60-year-old Is Oldest Woman To Birth Twins In The U.S. “I take 98 Pills A Week To Stay Alive For My Children”
Turning 60 is a big deal. That’s 60 years of acquired wisdom and years of shared moments and experiences with loved ones. For many, it’s also the start of retirement and a time to change focus from career to enjoying new hobbies.
But, for this 60-year-old, it was the beginning of motherhood to a set of twins. Lauren Cohen is now known as the oldest woman to birth twins in the U.S., but because of her age, the journey to stay healthy for them is a hard one, especially among everyone’s judgment and disapproval.
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Age Is Just A Number

truly / Youtube
truly / Youtube
Lauren Cohen was out living her best life one day, dancing her heart out at a dancing class, when she noticed one particular dancer. She figured maybe she could ask him to dance despite seeming so much younger than her. She remembers: “I never thought he could be interested in a woman so much older. He was a great dancer, so I asked him to dance one night and he said yes.”
At that point, Lauren was divorced from her ex-husband, who was himself 66 years old after just two years of marriage. Lauren and her dance partner quickly grew an attraction for one another. Even though there was 20 years between her and Frank, they soon fell in love. Despite the age gap being a concern at first, it quickly became just a number, and the pair went on to get married.