7 True Behaviors Of The Spiritually Awakened
At some point throughout your life, it's possible that you've met someone you would consider enlightened. They seemed wise and all-knowing, at ease with the world and unfazed by much of anything. At the time, it was admirable, and they've stuck in your mind ever since as someone you want to be like.
Well, here's some good news, it's likely that said person was 'spiritually awake' a state you can also achieve if you're aware and dedicated enough.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won't believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That's right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date.
Sights Set High

Though many people are perfectly content in their place and level of consciousness in this life, there are also people that are always seeking to become more enlightened and aware of the world around them. They are often looking for a greater understanding of the universe and their own place in it so that they may feel more connected, more in control, and more illuminated in their path. A common term for this is a spiritual awakening, a moment in which someone becomes wholly in tune with not only themselves, but the Earth and the cosmos as well.
There are many ways through which people attempt to achieve this chapter of personal growth, including meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices, with no one option working for every single person.
Putting In The Work

Awakening spiritually is hard work, and requires a dedicated effort to not only achieve, but maintain. It is not always immediately noticeable either, and its effects may not be fully realized right away. It requires understanding difficult topics that would otherwise frighten us to think about, so the mental work needed to reach that peak can sometimes scare people off if they're not ready.
It can be difficult to discern when spiritual awakening has been achieved, but there are a number of signs present in spiritually-awake people that you can measure yourself up against to see if you're on the right path.
1. Needing Time Alone

Those who are spiritually awake know that time alone for self reflection, stillness, and meditation is the best way to encourage growth and understanding of the self. They find that most of society engages in behaviors or activities they don't feel align with their better selves, so they're seen as reclusive, when really, they just know their own boundaries.
This doesn't mean they're incapable of of being around other or dislike going out with friends, they simply have a deep understanding of the importance of time spent alone.
2. Researching Everything

Spiritually awake people thrive on researching and understanding the information they take in. They enjoy learning and making sense of their surroundings with facts, beliefs and values. They seek to deepen their understanding and grow with their newfound knowledge, with the added bonus that they get to fact-check things they hear so they remain informed.
Learning more helps them to become even more aware and connected to the world. Their curiosity drives them forward and leaves them hungry for new things always. As a result, they grow and reach a higher level of consciousness.
3. The Strong Urge To Save The Planet

Spiritually awake people are dedicated to protecting and preserving the planet and its resources. They understand the spiritual connection between humans and nature, and recognize our dependence on the planet for our very existence. Therefore, they are committed to living in harmony with nature.
Once awake, they'll begin to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle, like zero-waste. They spread awareness and encourage others to do their part to help preserve the planet as they know that a healthy planet is necessary for us to live and thrive.
4. Moving Against The Mainstream

People who have woken up spiritually have chosen to look beneath the surface and transcend the boundaries of modern society. They've decided to move against the mainstream by embracing alternative values and expanding their outlook on life.
Through their spirituality (and plenty of introspection), they've gained a layer of confidence that escapes many others. They're open about their differing opinions, styles, and what have you. This often requires the courage to stand against popular opinion and societal norms, instead turning inward for guidance, leading them down a wiser path.
5. Enjoy Listening To Others And Giving Advice

By being so open spiritually, these people cultivate a deep respect for others, listening intently and with compassion as they see the inherent value in every human being. They are truly interested in what others have to say, and attentive to the nuances of their conversations. They provide advice and guidance from a place of connection, understanding and love.
If they sense the other person is not ready to receive advice, they may offer a compassionate listening ear instead. They don’t judge and are gentle and kind in their advice. By valuing others and providing wise advice, spiritually awake people help to nurture meaningful connections with their family and friends.
6. Extremely Open Hearts

Spiritually awakened people are known for having open hearts and minds. They enjoy taking risks, learning about new concepts or ideologies, and embracing change happily, knowing it's the only way to keep things moving in life. They greatly appreciate the world for all it is and all it could be.
They're also often more accepting of others and their differences, not being ruled by others' judgments or expectations. They do away with societal prejudices, meeting new people where they're at and showing there's a place in their hearts for everyone.
7. Dislikes Authority

Spiritually awake people tend to dislike authority figures as they serve as a reminder of their disengagement from the old systems of power. They see these authorities as antithetical to the spiritual awakening they are pursuing or have already achieved.
Instead of relying on external forces to guide them, spiritually awake people prefer to take an independent, inner-driven approach to life. The only set of beliefs they wish to conform themselves to or enforce upon their lives is their own. Another point towards their push against the mainstream, they question traditional notions of power and hierarchy, refusing to blindly conform to the social norms imposed by society.
All Roads...

Spiritual awakening doesn't have a single path, it is a wildly different journey for each individual. Thanks to every person being unique as well as everyone's spiritual practices differing, even if they fall under the same religious labeling, there are a million and one ways someone can reach their spiritual awakening.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won't believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That's right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date.
Whether you're on the path, have completed your path, or find yourself stuck in your path, know that choosing to be on it at all already places you a step ahead of others who are happy in their complacency. There's nothing wrong with that either, as not every person is meant to awaken themselves, but you can have faith in knowing that once you've started down this road, it's because you were always meant to.