Ancient Egyptians Had Their Own Version Of Ayahuasca They Called The “Tree Of Life”

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DMT has been thrust into the modern consciousness by various documentaries and an overall increasing interest in experimenting with expanding out consciousness. DMT, which sometimes manifests as ayahuasca, is not some new trend in drug use. It’s a very old, very ancient spiritual experience. You hear about ayhuasca in South America, but the Egyptians had their own version of it. They called it the tree of life, and they may have been experimenting with it as far as 10,000 BC, just as the final glaciers of the ice age were melting down.

The Egyptians, if you’ve spent much time studying them, were an incredibly spiritual and aware society. Spirituality played an enormous role in their lives. Even their great pyramids were monuments to their god-like leaders. But another more subtle feature of their spirituality is the Acacia Nilotica, a tree that grows along the Nile River. It was revered by Egyptians, likely because of it’s DMT, or Dimethyltryptamine.

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DMT is the same compound used in shamanic rituals in South America. It has many healing qualities and can give you an intense physical and mental trip.

Acacia Nilotica finds itself portrayed widely in Egyptian mythology. They called it the tree of life, where the first gods of Egypt were born. Osiris, the god of the underworld and rebirth, was also born from the tree. Osiris is believed to live in the spirit of all Acaci Nilotica trees.