Are Angels Trying To Talk To You? 9 Signs You’re Receiving Angelic Messages

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The concept of a guardian angel can be a little scary or off-putting for some, but many find profound comfort in the idea, liking the thought that there's a divine being watching over them and helping them through the struggles they face.

It's not always easy to tell if you have an angel of your own, though. There are things you can watch out for, so keep your senses open if you want to know about an angel's presence.

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Divine Details

An angel statue reaching down toward light beams breaking through clouds against a vivid blue sky.
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For those who live spiritually, the idea of a guardian angel isn't too uncommon, often taking the form or presence of a loved one who has passed away. These guardian angels are meant to guide, support, and help us throughout our lives when we need their comfort the most, but how can you tell when an angelic spirit is actually trying to communicate with you?

This list contains the most common signs that your angels are trying to communicate with you, so here's what to look out for.


1. Seeing Angel Numbers

A close shot of someone's phone displaying the time 11:11.
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This is a classic, perhaps the most well-known form of angelic communication. Angel numbers are sequences like 111, 444, or 1212 that you might notice repeatedly on clocks, license plates, phone numbers, or anywhere that sports numbers. Each sequence has a specific meaning, offering guidance, reassurance, or a nudge in the right direction from your angelic messengers.


These numerical codes are a common way for angels to communicate their messages, as each number carries specific vibrational significance that can convey a clear message to those who are aware. If you're spotting numerical patterns over and over again in a short period of time, look up those numbers and see what they have to say!


2. Flashes Of Intuition

A woman with her hands together in prayer or pleading, silhouetted against a sunrise sky.
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Have you ever experienced a sudden, inexplicable sense of knowing? Like you're suddenly certain about an aspect of your reality or your future (or perhaps someone else's future)? These flashes of intuition are often one of the first signs that angelic messengers are reaching out to you. Unlike ordinary hunches or worries, these insights come with a deep sense of certainty and peace.


They might relate to decisions, be they big or small, but always come at a time when you need them most. This profound intuition is thought to be a direct communication from the angels, providing you with the guidance needed to make choices that align with your spiritual path.


3. Recurring Dreams

A man sleeping contently on his side in bed.
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Another common channel for a spiritual message, including those of angels, is through dreams. Recurring dreams, in particular, are significant. They repeat because they carry important messages you need to hear. These dreams are usually vivid and filled with symbols or scenarios that resonate on a deep emotional level. Interpretation of these dreams is tough, as they're often deeply personal, so be sure to sit with them and analyze everything you can. Consider keeping a dream journal for easier recollection.


By paying attention to these dreams and reflecting on their meanings, you can gain insights into your life and the spiritual guidance offered by your angels.


4. Physical Sensations

Two hands reaching out, just the pads of their index fingers touching.
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Sometimes, you might feel a sudden warmth, a gentle touch, or a tingling sensation on your skin; all believed to be potential contact made by angelic messengers. Though it sounds spooky, these feelings are often reassuring and comforting but also hard to ignore. They can happen during moments of prayer or meditation, as well as unexpectedly, reminding you of the angels' presence and protection.


They can also happen during times of faulting belief, times when you're questioning faith, or other aspects of life. They're not there to reprimand, they support you regardless, all they want is for you to know they're still there.


5. Finding Feathers

A close shot of an angel wing with its bright white feathers.
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Though it sounds stereotypical, finding feathers, especially white ones, in places where they logically shouldn't be can be a sign from the angels. Whether it appears in your path during a walk or one that lands next to you on a city bench, these are often considered acts of reassurance that your angels are close by, watching over you.


The appearance of feathers is a classic sign of angelic presence and is thought to be a message of encouragement and support from the spiritual realm.


6. Sudden Peace

A woman standing on the beach, looking out at the water peacefully.
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In moments of stress or turmoil, a sudden sense of peace and tranquility can be a powerful sign from angelic messengers. This peace often comes when you least expect it but most need it, serving as a reminder that you're not alone, always being supported by an angelic spirit.


Such moments of unexpected calm can provide a lot of comfort to a weary soul, helping you to navigate life's challenges with serenity, confidence, and trust in the divine guidance you're receiving.

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7. Audio Messages

A close shot of a woman cupping her hand around her ear, signifying she's listening.
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Sometimes, angelic messages are conveyed through sounds. You might hear a piece of music that brings about a significant memory or emotion or perhaps a voice offering comfort or advice when no one is around. These auditory messages can be direct or symbolic, but they always carry deep personal significance.


Whether it's a familiar tune that seems to play at just the right moment or a soft whisper that offers solace to a restless heart, these sounds are all meant to ease your soul and leave you feeling better than you did before.


8. Changes In Temperature

A woman wrapped up in a blanket while sitting on her couch, looking cold, watching something on her laptop.
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Though it's often considered a sign of ghosts, experiencing sudden changes in temperature or feeling unexplained breezes in your home can be signs from your angelic messengers. These physical sensations are often so distinct and timely that they grab your attention, asking you to pause and consider the deeper meaning being communicated.


Such phenomena are not only fascinating but also serve as reminders of the spiritual connections that surround us, often manifesting physically to signal the presence of angelic forces.


9. Seeing Rainbows

A double rainbow spanning across a bright green field.
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Seeing a rainbow, especially without the prerequisite rain, can be a striking and beautiful reminder of hope, promise, and renewal from your angelic guides. Rainbows often appear when you are contemplating changes or feeling uncertain, symbolizing a bridge to better times.


This visual manifestation is one of the most uplifting signs, inspiring awe and reinforcing the belief in the supportive and guiding role of angelic messengers in our lives. Let yourself feel inspired at the sight of a rainbow and see where your heart pulls you in response.


Helping You On Your Way

An almost angel-shaped glowing white light atop a colorful sunset sky.
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Recognizing and understanding the signs of angelic messages can profoundly affect your spiritual journey. By staying open and attentive to these signs, you can foster a deeper connection with your guardian angels and the divine guidance they offer.


Remember, each sign is a piece of the larger puzzle of your life, guiding you toward your highest potential and deepest fulfillment. By embracing these messages and reflecting on their meanings, you can navigate your life with more confidence and clarity, knowing that you're supported and loved by a higher power.