Astrology Says This Is the Perfect Time for Manifestation, And It’s Almost Over

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Whether you believe it or not, by now you’ve probably heard of people “manifesting” at some point or maybe you’ve even tried it yourself. Maybe it even worked but you wondered if it was just a coincidence or a product of your own hard work. Or, maybe you never received what you asked, and you’re wondering what you did wrong, or if it’s all a big scam. Well, let us answer all these questions for you because if there is ever a time for manifesting, the time is now.

Until April 29th, all the planets in our solar system are direct in the sky for the first time in almost a year. That means…no retrogrades!

For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth.

Why Now? A Time of Less Resistance

Planets aligned in a line

Daniel Sinoca / Unsplash

Daniel Sinoca / Unsplash

So usually, when you’re manifesting during a retrograde, you have to work a little harder because there is more planetary resistance. This time of year, and until Pluto Retrograde begins on April 29, 2022, there is little standing in the way between you and the goals set by your manifestation.

This gives you a couple of weeks to really think long and hard about not only what you want but what you actually need so that you can use this time effectively to take action!