Black Thunder Full Moon: Get Ready For The Massive Energy Shift On July 16th 2019
This year a colorful array of different celestial events are occurring, and being given names that aren’t often heard.
July 2019 will be a month speckled with different gems in the sky, from eclipses, to a “black moon” and “thunder moon.”
Due to the fact that the Gregorian calendar we use isn’t perfectly aligned with the lunar cycle from month to month (you might say “Moonth”), around every 32 months or so two new moons occur in one ordinary calendar month.
The “black moon” is a name given to that second sun conjunct moon, or new moon during one month. It’s no official astronomical term, but the media picked up on it and so did some skywatchers.
When the moon appears to conjoin, or align with the sun from Earth’s perspective, it’s a new moon of course, and the full moon is sun opposite moon from our perspective.
Studying your astrological sign can give you quite a lot of insight into your personality. You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you as well!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.
Have you ever managed to see the “almost” new moon, at dusk or dawn when the moon is just a tiny sliver, still quite close to the sun but visible with the naked eye due to the sun being beneath the horizon?
On the day of a new moon when the sun’s rays are coming down upon everyone, the moon is actually right there next to it, but the bright rays of the sun completely block our ability to see it.
Of course, the solar eclipse a couple days ago was only really visible from South America, so if one looked up at the sky from California at noon that day, they would have simply seen the sun.
The first new moon this month was that eclipse, so now the next one can be considered a “Black Moon,” occurring at 8:12 p.m. Pacific Time on July 31, 2019.
What’s more, the full moon eclipse on July 16 has been traditionally referred to as the “Thunder Moon” or “Full Buck Moon” by Native American tribes.
It’s important to understand that it’s not really the correct phrasing to say something such as the full moon or new moon “coincides” with an eclipse: an eclipse is an exact full moon or new moon, the same thing, never a coincidence.
The Native American name for this moon reportedly finds origin in the North American weather patterns experienced during this time, the thunderstorms frequently seen in July and the interesting growth of male deer.
Male deer or bucks are known to undergo a jolt of accelerated growth to their antlers during this time.
It must have been a remarkable observation to be made: imagine if you were just observing the seasons, living the natural life and suddenly you notice the deer have accelerated antler growth.
Then you notice this happens when the Sun is at this position every year.
Astrologically however, the full moon eclipse on July 16 is very strange because it occurs in tight alignment with Saturn conjunct Pluto, a conjunction of those two planets that occurs only once every 36 years or so.
Even more unlikely, the heliocentric south nodes of both Saturn and Pluto are at this spot in Capricorn where they conjoin.
In other words, the most exact alignment (conjunction) possible with Saturn or Pluto individually is right where they are both conjoining now, because heliocentric nodes are the place in which planets perfectly meet the belt of the ecliptic.
In similar fashion, the moon’s nodes are where eclipses happen: a new moon on the moon’s nodes is an eclipse, and a full moon on the nodes is an eclipse.
Astrological Interpretation
While we explored the heavy, purgative and solemn qualities of Saturn conjunct Pluto in past articles, and how the two eclipses aligned with it in July and January could create waves of this energy for months, here’s an interpretation of the Black Moon.
This is the astrology chart for the Black Moon, the first major node in the lunar cycle since the two eclipses in July.
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New Moon is astrologically interpreted in a similar fashion to an eclipse.
Studying your astrological sign can give you quite a lot of insight into your personality. You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you as well!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.
An eclipse is supposed to be something that crystallizes whatever energy it touches in the collective consciousness, like a delayed reaction, sending a wave of energy through everyone for months.
Subconscious lessons are thought to be tied to eclipses, a sense of direction, particularly in the emotions and deep in the subconscious (Moon).
The New Moon is known to be the beginning of a cycle, thought to crystallize a certain subconscious theme in people for the next couple weeks or so.
Aspects made by planets at the time of a new moon, full moon, or eclipse are known to be a sign at least, or a physical source of energy that literally pulls us in a certain direction at most.
The Black Moon makes a positive aspect to the most positive planet in astrology, in its own positive sign for the first time in 12 years.
It trines Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius, just about the most harmonious and promising aspect it could possibly make, with Mars also in close proximity, adding warmth to the configuration.
The new moon occurs in the Sun’s sign Leo, a sign that produces this sunny, happy, warm energy capable of lighting up a room or negating feelings of darkness or fear.
It seems very fateful that we are continuously being insulated by the warmth and subtle sociability of Jupiter in Sagittarius, during this solemn year of Saturn conjunct Pluto in Saturn’s own sign.
This moon should signal rejuvenation from at least two weeks of intensity, stemming from the July 16 lunar eclipse conjunct Saturn and Pluto.
At the same time, Venus in Leo will be square Uranus in Taurus during the Black Moon, another planet in the same position Mercury and Mars were, squaring Uranus during the first solar eclipse at the beginning of the month.
Everything from intense romance to headstrong, possibly political conflict is possible with this square.
Squares to Uranus are known to produce jagged opinions, things that are political, technologically on fire or intense.
Since Venus is the great node of social activity, love, relations between people in the air, the energy will feel sort of agitated during this time socially and in the realm of love.
However it will also be a very energized, warm, active and potentially sensual energy.
Very sensual, physical romantic energy is produced by the same aspects that might inspire conflict, and Venus square Uranus is a major one of those.
That type of energy should continue into the first two weeks of August, crystallized by the Black Moon.
You can learn even more by studying numerology, the science of the numbers in your first name and date of birth.
Analyzing these numbers can give you interesting insight into who you are and how you move through the world.
Studying your astrological sign can give you quite a lot of insight into your personality. You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you as well!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.