4 Simple Steps To Declutter Your Life
It’s amazing how much stuff we accumulate in our daily lives. While you may not be trying to collect items, others may have a problem with unnecessarily gathering excessive stuff. No matter if it is done accidentally or to satiate some hidden desire of yours, it is not healthy to have too much stuff.
If you start looking to items to make you feel good, confident or happy then you are loosing track of internal resources of happiness and ability. Especially if the decision to let go of material goods is hard for you, this is sign you are growing too attached. Do yourself a favor and let go, move on.
Take Your Time But Make Quick Decisions Based On Fact
Tackle your project one item at a time. If you find yourself wondering if you should keep it or get rid of it for more than three minutes ask the following questions.
Is it broken? If it is how long has it been broken and are you really going to fix it? There is no point in keeping broken gadgets, but we do it all the time. Don’t be afraid to get rid of your worldly possessions, if they have no purpose or strong memories attached, then it isn’t healthy to tie your emotions in it. Letting go will help you grow and develop. You can always get more stuff.