Full Corn Moon: Get Ready For The Massive Energy Shift On September 2nd 2020
Anything but acknowledgement that things have been chaotic in 2020, would be unrealistic and not conducive to making things better. Definitely, chaotic yet energizing and active things are happening in the sky.
Coming up we have a Full Moon during the ultra-tense, fiery, conflict-prone beginning of Mars Retrograde, the longest and most infrequent Retrograde in astrology which leaves the planet of fire stuck in a stationary position for entire weeks at a time.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
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If you’re wondering what’s really pulling on the strings of fury and intensity in the world right now, it’s both 2020’s Jupiter conjunct Pluto, and now Mars Retrograde.
The main thing is, Mars is stuck square Saturn, making the hardest aspect to the most difficult to handle planet.
This atmosphere of very serious, hardened, grim and severe (Saturn) conflict, passion of opinion, intensity and that which is the realm of both Mars and Pluto, it’s all coming from this several-weeklong period of Mars being stuck square Saturn before its Retrograde.
So this Full Moon really adds to the fire, persuading people to be even more opinionated, vocal about their opinions to the point of argument or outright conflict, because the Sun is trine Uranus, and closely conjunct Orcus.
This is the chart for the Full Moon of Strong Opinions (Orcus)

Uranus is the most opinionated energy in astrology, which can either be intelligent, ideologically passionate for reasons that are understandable, or it can devolve into this sort of bitter, clashing, stubborn and fixed, agitated tone.
It’s deeply in the air today and for the next few days after this Full Moon, because the Sun and Moon are bringing it out of Uranus, the “Second Sun” (seat of ideological identity, opinion and intelligent thought).
Very significantly at the same time, Venus, the social climate of the day and way everybody feels in regard to other people, it’s locked into the brutally confrontational, heavy, destructive Mars square Saturn, the center of Mars’ descent into Retrograde. Venus is opposite Saturn, Pluto, and square Saturn.
Saturn conjunct Pluto and two eclipses on top in July 2019 and January 2020, are thought to be the most relevant astrological thing to this entire pandemic, and the upheaval we saw from it this year.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
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It was over after January, but now, it’s the closest to being active that it will ever get again, for 38 more years. Saturn is almost conjunct Pluto, so its debatable whether it’s active, 3 degrees away.
Precisely now, this week, be strong, and prepared for a shadowy, dark, upheaval prone and hard to deal with energy, that surfaced in those two aforementioned months during eclipses fused with Saturn/Pluto.
Hopefully it’s empowering instead of heavy, to learn this, that we’re all going through a rough time and what it’s astrologically related to.
One thing is for sure, resilience, enjoying every moment of life, looking out for the ones we care about and acting in conscience, that is the most deeply satisfying thing any one of us could do.
Fear doesn’t help, we know what’s negative and what isn’t. Some of us still need to learn what real positivity is, but none of us have all the answers, and we all feel completely overwhelmed at times and that happens: we get over it.
The Sun is fused with Orcus for this Full Moon, and that’s the dwarf planet (Pluto-like) of this determined, certain, headstrong, kind of stubborn energy which just like Uranus, also locked into the Lunar event, can either be revolutionary or extreme in opinion for all the wrong reasons.
The only way to describe this moment is chaos really. Have no fear, this is just how life is, but really it would help to be prepared for more chaotic energy, more fighting, more upheaval, and out of the ashes of this people will come out stronger and more humble.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
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Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.
Becoming humble is the best thing that could come from all that is going on in the world. People don’t function well when they’re too stuck on something, too certain in their own minds that they know everything, or that they know whatever it is.
Without the element of life that we don’t know everything, that anything can change at any moment, when people get too stuck and unable to adapt or grow in response to life changing, it feels like life throws us problems to keep our ability to grow alive.
This will be a downright shadowy, intense, droning and possibly conflict prone week, and we all have to stay strong through it.
People will be persuaded to vocally express their opinions, argue with others, fight with others, but it will not yield positive results because the Saturn energy in the air adds darkness, seriousness to the equation.
It would probably be best to just reflect on things, untangle the mind, keep to your own space for this very confrontational Full Moon and the days surrounding it.
Stay fearless, strong, protected, not agitating or starting conflict, not blasting out negative energy ever, while not failing to see and recognize what isn’t always pleasant.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!
Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.
The Perfect Ritual For The Full Moon/New Moon
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Paper/notebook
- Pen/pencil
- Envelope(s)
- Candles (however many you feel is necessary)
Sitting somewhere comfortably light your candles. Allow yourself a moment to meditate and relax. Once you are situated begin writing things down.
Write about anything that comes to mind. Put everything down on paper. All of the things that bring you happiness and where you want to be this time next year.
Write for as long as you feel is necessary but try to get at least eleven or so minutes in. Do this at 11:11am or 1:11pm if possible to keep the energies as balanced as possible.
Once you have things down on paper go over the things you’ve written down. What things stand out the most to you?
Bring everything over to a new paper that stood out to you and burn the old paper. Now, focus on narrowing things down to three main goals/points.
Close your eyes and really focus on these things, which ones are most important to you from the things you’ve carried over.
Once you have the three narrowed down give yourself a moment to manifest. Think about how important they are and allow yourself permission to make them happen.
Seal these three things away in an envelope and place them somewhere safe. Once you have done this go relax in a warm bath and meditate over your own thoughts.
Cleanse yourself of any blockages and prepare to move forth once this day has passed. While this might not seem like much it will make a huge difference in how these energies work for you.