Here’s How You Can Access Past Life Memories

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In the last hundred years, the idea of reincarnation and past lives has become more popular. The idea is that we don’t live this one life but get to live numerous lives. Some believe there is an end goal, that your soul has to learn something before rebirth ends. Others believe that you simply undergo rebirth because that’s the way it goes.

What’s unfortunate is that we don’t get to remember much of our previous lives. Sometimes in dreams or during meditation, we can get pieces of it. But for the most part, it’s a totally separate consciousness. So how do we access these past life memories?

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At some level, we have access to this information. One way to get to it is through meditating on a very specific question. Ask what you want to know, but realize you’re asking yourself. It’s not being revealed by some omnipresent being. Allow the answers to come in different forms, be them words, thoughts, or pictures.

Pay attention to how your body feels through this meditation. You may feel icky feelings for bad memories, elated during good ones.