5 Signs You’re Dealing With A Fake Person
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Knowing how to spot these people is important. Unfortunately, many of us already know that some of these people aren’t as genuine as others.
It can be hard when you find out that a friend, colleague, or even a family member is fake, especially when it comes to how they interact with you.
Luckily, there are signs that fake people inevitably display throughout their lives that can help you discern who around you is genuine, and who isn’t.
Take a look at these five signs to figure out who in your life is being fake.
1. They Try Hard to Be Liked

Fake people try incredibly hard to be liked by the people around them because they’re already aware of how fake they truly are.
This is one of the most obvious signs a fake person will display because they’ll be working harder than most when it comes to interacting with others, or simply out in public.
You can always tell who your genuine friends are because they’ll simply be themselves when around other people.