5 Ways That Old Souls Express Love

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You may have heard the phrase, “Oh, he or she is an old soul” when referring to people. Sometimes people will even say this about a young child or baby!

So what exactly does it mean? Do souls really have an age? If so how can you tell?

Old souls have an inner knowing about things without any logical or ready explanation. It’s as if they “know by knowing.”

Most old souls tend to have a philosophical outlook on life. When troubles arise, they view them as challenges or learning opportunities.

While they still react emotionally to difficulties, they are able to see the big picture in such scenarios.

Even when good things happen, they appreciate the blessings but try to take everything in stride.

They see it all as just a part of the journey. If that sounds like you, then it’s likely you’re an old soul.

So, it makes sense that an old soul would express their love for someone differently than most people. Below are 5 ways old souls express love:

1. They find love in the simple things in life

A couple walking along a beach, shoes off as they treat shallow water.
Pexels / Kindel Media
Pexels / Kindel Media

Old souls don’t need or want fancy, expensive gifts from their partner and don’t expect to receive any from them.

A thoughtful note, loving glance or hug…basically anything that’s more emotionally reassuring than flashy, is the way to win their love.