If You’re In Love, Saturday’s Promising Stability And Tuesday’s Full Moon Will Shake Up Relationships For All Zodiacs
Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV
Weekly Horoscopes June 13th - 19th, 2022
Thinking-planet Mercury moves into its home sign of Gemini on Monday, ushering in a period of quick thinking, cleverness, wit, and curiosity. This energy thrives on multitasking, flitting quickly from one interest or project to another.
Tuesday’s Full Moon is in Sagittarius, a very adventurous and optimistic sign. This is an excellent day for stepping out of your comfort zone. Dare to do something different, push against the boundaries, or push your body in a challenging workout.
If you’re in love, Saturday’s square between Venus and Saturn could be promising as it brings stability and endurance to all kinds of partnerships.
For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Give your curiosity free reign this week, Aries - the more varied interests tasks you can pursue, the happier you’ll be. Avoid boredom like the plague because it will suck your enthusiasm and drive, leaving you depressed and listless.
Adrenaline sports will be appealing during the Full Moon on Tuesday, although be careful not to allow your reckless streak to ignore safety procedures. This is a good moment for travel too, especially travel connected to study or education.
Saturday’s square between Venus and Saturn can be good news for your fluctuating finances, but avoid either lending to or borrowing from a close friend.
Mercury’s move into the finance zone of your natal birth chart is helpful if you’ve been struggling with budgeting, Taurus. This influence helps you make more rational choices and reign in comfort spending.
On Tuesday, the Full Moon is about paying off your debts, which may well be connected to finance, of course. However, these debts may also be emotional or even karmic; you must understand what you owe, as well as what others may owe you.
If you’re working over the weekend, you’ll get strong support from your ruling planet Venus, which teams up with Saturn to provide you with authority and competence.
Your ruling planet arrives ‘home’ in your sign on Monday, Gemini, setting the tone for a playful, curious, intellectually stimulating week. You’ll struggle to focus on any one particular thing, but it’s an excellent period for brainstorming, creativity, and idea gathering.
Meanwhile, the Full Moon on Tuesday falls in your love zone. This could bring some emotional drama in your closest relationship - but there’s a sense of healing, too, especially when you are both honest with one another.
Look to the Venus-Saturn square on Saturday for creative inspiration if you’re stuck on how to manifest a dream.
For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
Mercury’s change of sign on Monday finds you seeking some peace and quiet from the hustle-bustle of everyday life, Cancer. You won’t want to socialize too widely this week, so don’t be afraid to turn down invitations - you’re allowed to want to be on your own!
During the Full Moon on Tuesday, you have the chance to tie up a long-term work issue, perhaps completing a project or even leaving one team to join a new one. It’s something of a bittersweet moment, but you have achieved a great deal.
Saturday’s Venus-Saturn square, however, warns of jealousy and power plays in friendships, so your social life will need to be your focus over the weekend.
You’re in a very sociable mood this week, Leo, courtesy of Mercury moving through your friendship zone. You’ll love to debate and set the world to rights, but be careful of coming across too forcefully with your own opinions.
On Tuesday, the Full Moon highlights a major risk you have recently taken - you are now experiencing the consequences of your actions. These might be excellent or horrendous - but either way, you have learned something about your appetite for drama.
Over the weekend, a square between Venus and Saturn highlights a conflict between your time at work and your time at home. Something may have to give.
You have everything going for you at work this week, Virgo, particularly once Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into the career zone of your natal birth chart. Your communication skills are off the chart, so it’s a brilliant time to sell your talents in job interviews or pitches.
Be careful that you’re not too much of a workaholic, however. Tuesday’s Full Moon shines from your family zone and underlines the sacrifices you may have to make at home in order to succeed professionally.
This is never an easy balance to strike, but Saturday’s Venus-Saturn square may help you find a better way to schedule the many demands on your time.
For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
You need something to get your teeth into this week, Libra, intellectually speaking. With Mercury changing signs, it’s a good time to start studying, learn a new skill, or broaden your horizons through travel.
On Tuesday, the Full Moon may see someone using your words against you, so be careful with social media on that day. In terms of your recent projects, however, the Full Moon promises a successful completion of something very demanding.
Look to the Venus-Saturn square on Saturday for some stability in a relationship that has been passionate but rocky.
You have a lot on your mind as this week begins, Scorpio, particularly regarding your life purpose, soul path, and karma. Mercury’s change of signs will help you make sense of some of this, but be prepared to have more questions than answers.
The Full Moon shines from the money zone of your natal birth chart and is an excellent time for manifestation, prosperity thinking, and abundance. Focus on the blessings you already have to attract more into your life.
Over the weekend, you may need to be a neutral referee in a fight between your blood family and your partner - easier said than done, but avoid taking sides if at all possible.
Mercury changes signs to move into the love zone of your natal birth chart this week, Sagittarius, which is fantastic news if communication has been a little bit strained at home. This influence should help you to share your dreams and ideas with your partner, as well as your everyday concerns, deepening your existing bond.
The Sagittarius Full Moon on Tuesday is also a time to shine brightly. You are fully authentic at the moment and proud to stand up for who you are and what you believe. It’s a powerful moment, especially if you are trying to change hearts and minds.
Over the weekend, however, be careful not to be too forceful with your opinions, especially if you are at work. Less is more when Venus squares Saturn.
For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
This looks like a hectic week for you, Capricorn, but fortunately, Mercury’s change of signs emphasizes personal organization. You can stay on track if you schedule everything carefully, make lists, keep notes, and set plenty of reminders! You’ve got this!
Look out for some psychic or spiritual experiences during the Full Moon on Tuesday. Although these may feel unsettling at the time, they’re a window into what is possible when you focus on your spiritual development - exciting times lie ahead.
If you’ve been struggling financially recently, Saturday’s Venus-Saturn square will help to stabilize your money situation.
Mercury’s change of signs makes this a lively week for you, Aquarius, packed with opportunities to be spontaneous and to have some fun. Don’t take life too seriously - find the humor in every moment if you can.
When the Full Moon shines from your social zone on Tuesday, you’ll discover that a relatively new friend has a real purpose in your life. Your meeting was fated but may be fleeting - it’s up to you to make the most of your time together.
Tensions within the family should stabilize over the weekend, thanks to the calming influence of the Venus-Saturn square.
Mercury’s change of sign means an end to indecision on domestic matters, Pisces - it’s now time to make a choice on home improvements, real estate issues, living arrangements, and the like. Whatever decision you make, try not to constantly second guess it!
Your time for home matters may be short, however, because the Full Moon highlights a mini career crisis on Tuesday. You may be thrust into the spotlight against your better judgment, but you should see this as an opportunity - show the world what you can do.
Meanwhile, an empowering Venus-Saturn square over the weekend shows you the value of journaling, both for memory-keeping and mindfulness.
For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.