January 17th Marks 2022’s First Full Wolf Moon In Cancer, Be Prepared To Howl In Tears

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Is anyone feeling a little emotional lately? A shift is taking place towards a full moon in Cancer, the sign most known for its touch with emotion and vulnerability. The energy shift is expected to take place on Jan. 17 at 6:51 p.m. ET.

So if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately, you might want to take the day to just feel it out, and cry it out if necessary. This is an opportunity to connect with your inner child and nurture your most vulnerable sides. Here’s what to expect..

Learn the secrets of your Moon Sign here.

A Time To Reflect When It’s Least Convenient

reflection of person taking photo in eye pupil

Aes / Pexels

Aes / Pexels

The new year has barely begun but with a full moon in the sign of Cancer, we’ve reached the midpoint of another 29.5-day lunar cycle. So if you can’t go to sleep because your mind decided it wanted to replay an incident from three years ago, it’s because it’s pushing you to use the energy of the full moon to reflect and look inwards. The wolf moon in particular coincides with the dead of winter which is a great time for transformation and introspection. When the world is at its coldest darkest stage, the wolves come out to hunt in the dead of night, howling away.

What that means for you is that the more you take the time to think back, and peel the layers of how you got to this point in time, the more likely you are to reach new levels of decisions and breakthrough epiphanies. This is timed just right as the year begins with plenty of opportunities for action and change from the past.