July New Moon In Cancer, Prepare For Extreme Emotions And Positive Change
Another month, another new moon, a welcome invitation for fresh starts and a sense of rejuvenation within us all. New moons are for more than a simple brain reset, though, as they carry great power that we can all utilize.
Knowing where to focus that energy can be hard when our lives are so busy, but thankfully, the zodiac offers insights for each sign, designating where this new moon energy should be directed and where it can help us most.
There are other tools besides astrology that can help you learn of your life's purpose, that being the ancient art of numerology. Using only your birth date, you can learn valuable insights into your personality, your truest desires, and what life has in store.
Click here to see what numerology has to say about you, see what secrets remain hidden even from yourself!
A New Moon Rises

July's new moon in Cancer is nearly upon us. It will rise on the night of July 17th, and bring with it great emotional impact as events tied to the sign of the crab often do. You may feel a great sense of vulnerability, an urge to retreat deep into your feelings to work through some of your inner emotional conflicts.
Thankfully, this new moon provides many blessings in this area. We'll be encouraged to face the things we struggle with, the things that drum up big, uncomfortable feelings in our chest, so that we may clear ourselves of those burdens.
Within Ourselves

In general, new moons are the perfect time for wiping your slate clean and trying things again with a fresh start. Though this new moon will be emotionally charged and have some people feeling a bit raw, that doesn't mean it can't also be harnessed and used to set yourself up for success in the near future.
Every sign tackle this new moon differently, each having their own motivations, desires, and hang-ups they'd rather leave in the past. To learn which area of life to focus on during this lunar cycle according to your own sign, read on.

Aries, this new moon should encourage you to examine your work-life balance. Your job's important, yes, and sometimes what it requires of you can eat up big chunks of your time, but your mental and emotional well-being matters too! If you want to truly succeed, you need to take care of yourself.
Now's the perfect time to grant yourself a day off, plan a nice outing for yourself or simply relax at home, whatever will recharge your batteries. You've worked hard enough and more than earned it, though you don't need to earn time spent by yourself. Once you strike that perfect work and relaxation balance, you'll see yourself making bigger strides towards your goals.

As the July new moon rises in your third house of communication, it's time for a thoughtful reevaluation of recent conversations, especially ones serious in nature. Now's the time to bridge some gaps, make some apologies, or clarify some perspectives that you shared.
It's easy to remain stubborn and think of yourself as being the only one in the right, but you'll see your relationships grow in strength if you can admit that you were wrong or confused. Consider what truly matters to you. Can you honor your authenticity while nurturing understanding and respect for others? It's a delicate dance, but you've got this!

With the new moon in your second house, representing finance, now's the perfect time to reevaluate your relationship with money, Gemini. You may have been a little fast and loose with funds in the past, afraid to dwell on the subject lest you feel guilt for not managing things perfectly, but you don't have to be perfect!
Think about what will truly grant you the financial freedom you desire. Is it paying off your debts? Investing in your savings? Maybe you want to start simple and just cut back on one frivolous purchase a week. Whatever that first step is, make sure you take it. Every day is a new chance to start paving a better path for yourself. Don't put it off any longer.

This is your moon, Cancer! It's in your first house of identity, meaning it can really shake up your world if you let it. It'll be a challenge, but the growth you'll see will be unmatched, making it a worthy endeavor.
Take this time to truly care for yourself. Tend to your wounds, patch yourself up, and treat yourself exceptionally well so you can look to your future from a neutral, peaceful state. Learn what it is you truly desire and devise a game plan to reach it. It's hard to think of yourself as worthy sometimes, but you deserve to not only have your needs met, but your wants as well. You've earned some indulgence.

For Leos, this new moon will be an imperative time to focus on self-growth. If you've been receiving uncomfortable or concerning feedback from others lately, keep in mind that rejection often steers us in the right direction. Take a moment to discern between valid criticism and projections from others so you know what you can work on and what to pay no mind to.
Remember that this is a personal journey. You may want to try to fix others along the way, but this is about you. Focus on yourself alone, Leo, and embrace the wisdom that comes with self-awareness.

This new moon is Virgo's time to reevaluate their relationship with self-image, especially surrounding social media. Virgos are smart, so much so that they sometimes think they're immune to the emotionally manipulative impacts of social media, but that's something none of us can escape.
This new moon serves as a gentle reminder that even passive actions hold weight. If you find yourself growing more disconnected the longer you stay connected to your devices, if loneliness seeps in and begins replacing genuine friendships, it's time to set boundaries and protect your space. It may feel silly to take such a stand against an app of all things, but if that's what it takes to grant you peace of mind, then it's well worth it.

For this new moon, Libra, it's time to reset your focus and remember your dreams, your original aspirations. Take a moment to identify what's been holding you back. Is it a phobia-like fear of something? Struggles with confidence? Do you worry about judgment from others? Recognize any dynamics that whittle away at your power, lead to burnout, or make you feel held down.
Now, acknowledge that discomfort, understand that you're not wrong for having felt it, then let it flow right off of you. You've been disconnected from your strengths for too long. It's time to identify the positives and embrace the opportunities that come your way, Libra, even if they scare you, for they hold the key to a life more in tune with your authentic self.

This new moon, Scorpios will have to reevaluate the barriers set by their comfort zones. It's likely that you're someone who doesn't push against its boundaries often, staying within its confines because it's, well, comfortable! Still, you yearn for more, and now's the time to start chasing that desire.
Remind yourself that your life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and sometimes that calls for trying something new and daring. It's never too late to pursue the life of your dreams, so why not start now? Take that leap and see all that life has to offer, and how much larger the world can be to those willing to look.

Sagittarius, it's time to take a good, long look at your relationships. Not just romantic ones, but friendships and family ties as well. There's someone in your life that's causing you nothing but stress, strife, and discontent. What will it take for you to feel free of that person's weight? Is it forgiveness? Is it cutting contact? Is it having a tough conversation with them?
None of these things can erase the contentious past between you to, but it liberates you from its negative hold on your future. Whichever option you choose, it'll be a release that allows you to move on unburdened, a lightness you haven't experienced in ages. Wouldn't that feel nice?

Capricorn will also feel the urge to examine their relationships this new moon, but in a more introspective manner. This phase asks you to look at how you engage with others, especially those you spend a great deal of time with or who are a part of your daily life. What is your role in this relationship? How do you treat the other person? Are you as understanding as you should be? Is there room for improvement?
You should be purposefully looking for your worst traits, as uncomfortable as that is, because focusing on improving those traits will be the only way your relationship with the other person can grow. People want to feel understood and cared for. Provide that for them in ways you've been lacking in prior, and see the way your relationships bloom.

For Aquarius, this new moon will be all about time management. Aquarius loves to have a busy schedule, filling up their days with task after task so they don't have the free time to think about less-favorable things, like their anxieties or stresses.
Over-scheduling yourself to run from discomfort won't lead to long-term success, nor will it help you overcome those anxieties. This is especially true if you're forgoing time spent with others for more 'productive' activities. This new moon, spend some time with yourself and really reevaluate your priorities. Give yourself space to finally process the grief you've been bottling up. Once it's released, cut back on your busy schedule and give yourself some time for peace. Create a new schedule if you like having one, but one that supports your emotional needs.

Oh Pisces, this new moon is one of romance for you, allowing you to have a fresh start on your love life.
Before you get ahead of yourself, there's some housekeeping that needs done first. Focus, really focus on what you want and need out of a relationship. Write it down if you want so you have it in clear, direct points that you can refer back to. These parameters will help prevent you from jumping right into a new relationship with the first person who gives you the right kind of attention.
Remember that love should fill you with warmth, peace, happiness, and comfort. The second your partner makes you feel shame or guilt, reevaluate. You could plant the seed of a truly wonderful romance during this time, but only if you do the work to find the right fit.
Constant Change

Though July's new moon will be bringing emotional highs and encouraging a lot of tough introspection, there are rewards for all of us to reap if we use this time wisely and aim for real, foundational personal growth.
Examining the worst parts of ourselves is hard and can feel discouraging when we realize we're not where we feel we should be, but remember that there's no wrong way to be living life. We all develop at different rates, through different means, and to different results. We always need to be changing as the world is always changing. Embracing that now makes these moments easier in the future.
To find out what else may be in your future, you'll need a full, personalized zodiac chart reading. By delving into the stars' guidance for your life, you can visualize and understand your true purpose, allowing you to march forward confidently.
Learn what the universe has to say about you and your path today, click here to get started!