5 Signs You Are Being Manipulated Emotionally

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A foundation of respect, trust, and security is necessary in all personal relationships — your marriage or love relationships; your relationship with your family members; and your close friendships.

Both people must be committed to the health of the relationship in order for the connection to thrive.

Of course, we all fall short of this ideal from time to time and might use passive-aggressive tactics or hurtful words to express our own feelings of pain or anger.

But, the emotionally mature person will realize what they’ve done, apologize, and correct the behavior.

Emotional manipulation is not acceptable, and the longer you allow it to continue, the more power and confidence the manipulator gains in this one-sided relationship.

Read on for 5 signs that you are being emotionally manipulated by someone in your life and what to do about them.

1. They use your words against you and to their benefit

A manipulator has trouble accepting responsibility for their behavior, and often if you call them on it, they’ll find a way to turn it around to make you feel bad or guilty.

For instance, if they promised you they would do some chores, then fail to do so, when you bring it to their attention they will say something like, “You know how busy and overwhelmed I am.

Why don’t you think about me for a change?”

Or, “Well, I’m sorry I was working until midnight last night and felt really tired today!” Remember that a real apology is unconditional and followed by a behavior change.

Don’t allow them to get away with guilt-trips. If you do, it will just empower them to do it again.

Learn how to keep your partner coming back for more, Click Here To Watch The Full Free Video from relationship expert, Amy North.