NASA Found A New Habitable Planet, Making MARS An Alternative
The sad reality is that Earth is unlikely to be habitable forever. It is predicted that four
Everything we do now impacts the Earth and the lives of the generations that follow us. The way we're treating Erath as it is is only accelerating the process and making it harder and harder for each generation.
Luckily, NASA announced that its technology has discovered a new type of planet in the habitable zone of a star that could provide liquid water. This is crucial as it could mean that the planet could make a new world for humans. This is what we know so far.
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A Land Far Far Away

We take the earth for granted because we have never known any other home. Earth has been our chosen planet, either by us or some higher power, we don't fully yet know or understand. We thought that was the only planet that could support us so we felt like we had to stay here. However, that might not actually be the case.
Nasa's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has been searching for exoplanets around stars that are about 60 parseconds from Earth. The TESS satellite tracks changes in the brightness of stars caused by a planet crossing in front of it. This is how Astronomers discovered a world orbiting a bright star 31 miles behind the planet.
A New Habitable Planet

Astronomers with the help of TESS have a located big potentially habitable planet orbiting a star. But what makes it so special is that it might have liquid water on its surface. Scientists confirmed the find, and called the planet "TOI 700 d" on July 5th.
This isn't the first planet that is just as big of Earth, if not bigger, that NASA has discovered in recent years. However, it might be the first potentially habitable one, other than Mars, that humans could call home if Earth no longer can serve them.
It Has Water

The most important factors in making a planet habitable for us are if it has water and if we can breathe its air. When it comes to water, world TOI 700 was located in the habitable zone, a region where liquid water could exist. The planet is close to its star and NASA has confirmed that there is liquid water in the region.
In fact, data showed that the planet lines up right on the inner edge of the zone, meaning that liquid water could live in its atmosphere, according to NASA. With water quickly drying on Earth, this is great news. Only about three percent of Earth's water is freshwater and of that, only about 1.2 percent can be used as drinking water.
Bigger Than Earth

The planet is about 1,500 light-years from Earth. The planet is 1.06 times the size of Earth and orbits its star as well.
However, with it being so far away, it would not yet be possible to transfer humans to it. At the maximum speed of our space shuttle, which travels five miles per second, it would take us roughly 37,000 human years to travel one light year, let alone 1,500 of them.
Suitable For Humans

In theory, this planet could be suitable for humans but there are still a lot of obstacles standing in the way of making moving. Other than water, we have not checked off the rest of the list. The next biggest question is whether the atmosphere contains gas that could be produced by living organisms.
If it does, the results would make this world one of the most habitable planets in the habitable zone of a star. It could take another 10 years to find out.
In The Making Since 1993

Sintistists first discovered water on the planet orbiting in the habitable zone of a distant star. in 1993. Since then they have confirmed more than two dozen cases. The discovery was described as "mind-blowing" by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt. It brought hope that life could go on forever even when Earth no longer can support us.
This information opens the door for humans to access entirely new universes where time and space operate on completely different scales. For instance, by traveling at the speed of light to move through space, humans would experience zero time flow, which means that they would experience no time nor age on their way to these planets.
Eternal Sunshine And Endless Nights

One of the interesting parts about this planet is that it seems that one side of the planet and the other side have eternal sunshine and endless nights. Astronauts still need to take a closer look to learn more.
Imagine a world where whenever you craved the energy and warmth of the sun there it was, but whenever you needed the calmness of night, it was also accessible simultaneously.
It's Not The Only One

This discovery is exciting for astronomers because only a few potentially habitable planets have been discovered outside our solar system, all about half the size of Earth.
Because of their small stars, these planets receive only a small amount of the energy that the sun supplies to Earth. To maintain healthy blood levels, humans need to get 10–30 minutes of midday sunlight, several times per week, meaning constant sun exposure is necessary for our survival, not to mention for our crops too.
What's Out There For You?

Whether on earth, Mars or an alternative planet, what path are you meant to take? The life you lead is entirely up to you, no matter the environment
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