NASA Warns That The Largest Asteroid Of 2022 Is Approaching Earth Right Now
The more we advance in science, the more we try to predict the movements of the galaxy to protect humanity from forces outside of our control. Mother nature and the galaxy itself have a mind of their own. While knowledge is power, sometimes we face threats bigger than we could ever be equipped to handle.
Most recently, NASA detectors found an asteroid that is estimated to be around four times the size of the Empire State Building in diameter to be approaching Earth as we speak. This asteroid is fast approaching and can be a potential hazard.
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What Is An Asteroid

Asteroids are enormous space rocks that orbit the Sun. There are many orbits of all kinds of sizes, from giant ones to small particles, that can be found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. However, because of the gravitational pull of the planets, some pass close to the earth or enter the atmosphere as meteors.
Usually, they remain undetected or miss Earth. In worse cases, altering their course means that they can collide with Earth. We need to know when they're coming so that we can defend our planet. Then, the US space agency launches a spacecraft right into an asteroid's core to deflect it from its original path.
Less Than A Year Away

According to NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), the asteroid named 7335 (1989 JA) is predicted to approach Earth on May 27, 2023. This means that as you're reading this, the giant space rock is already on its way to Earth.
Luckily for us, The CNEOS database shows that the asteroid will safely pass by Earth at a distance of about 2.5 million miles, or about 10 times the distance between Earth and the Moon, which is approximately 250,000 miles. That's as long as it mains its current course anyway.
Potential Hazard

NASA detectors found that the asteroid is estimated to be around four times the size of the Empire State Building in diameter. The diameter of the asteroid is about 1.1 miles. Because of how enormous it is and how close it will be close to Earth, NASA has classified 7335 as "potentially hazardous (PH)".
This means that if the orbit of the asteroid changed and was on track to hit Earth, it would cause severe impact damage. The asteroid is already rushing towards Earth, so let's hope its course doesn't change.
Won't Happen Again Till 2055

Cosmic events like this are rare and only happen a couple of times in a lifetime. The asteroid's next close approach to Earth won’t happen until June 23, 2055. Fortunately the one predicted for then will be much further away and will fly past Earth at a distance of 70 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon.
The same can't be said for Asteroid 7335 which will rush past Earth on May 27 at around 47,200 mph. NASA is tracking it closely along with 29,000 other near-Earth objects around the clock.
NASA Is Preparing For Defense

NASA has been wrong before but has admitted its own false predictions. That's because there is only so much we can do to predict a universe we barely have control over. It's ever-changing. While it once stated that previously any asteroid 500+ feet in diameter wouldn't have a chance of impacting Earth within the next 100 years, there is no actual way to control or predict the environment of our galaxy. Anything can change at any point.
At this point this asteroid is not yet "dangerous." Yet NASA is still preparing its planetary defense in case a new asteroid is discovered or this one changes directions.
It's Happened Before

NASA works closely with other asteroid monitoring partners, like the European Space Agency and the United Nations, and has stated that: "We can advise leadership as to what might be faced should the asteroid impact the planet."
It's this kind of process that has helped us in the past. In fact, just within the month of August 2022, a 100-foot-diameter asteroid named NEO 2022 QQ4 zoomed past Earth. It was 5.93 million kilometers from our planet when it made its closest approach, so we were safe despite it traveling at a speed of 7.23 km per second.
No Reason To Panic

There is always movement happening around us. Asteroid travel at a speed that is not even understood by the human mind. It transcends the time and space concepts that we use to understand the world around us.
On May 27th, the asteroid 7335 will fly past our planet by around 2.5 million miles (4 million kilometers). This is over ten times the usual distance between Earth and the moon. However, as of now, we are safe. Use the time that you have to make every moment count because you never know when it will all be over.
if you're looking for more information on how the universe will take its toll on you specifically, then you'll need your own zodiac reading. We're each on our own unique path and what some struggle with this season, might not be applicable to you too.
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