New Moon In Leo: Are You Ready For The PushBack Of The Energy Shift?

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This week, a contemplative yet courageous New Moon in Leo rises on July 28th. This moon is all about pushing back against the constant drive for self-improvement, for material growth and expansion.

Instead, it asks that you work with the "heart" energy associated with Leo to grow and expand from within.

For personalized information, learn the secrets of your Moon Sign here.

A Constant Push For "More, More, More"

woman carrying shopping bags with sunglasses on
Freestocks / Unsplash
Freestocks / Unsplash

Our culture has a pervasive narrative about "improvement" that is frequently unhelpful, if not destructive. The notion that achievement means "more." An increase in wealth, friends, your career; a more "exciting" life full of travel; a better body, a bigger home, a nicer car.

There is a social expectation that if you are not constantly "improving" yourself, you are not "growing" and are therefore stagnant, or worse, lazy.


Channeling Leo Energy Archetypes

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751 / Getty Images Via Canva Pro
751 / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

But New Moons represent new beginnings and innovative ideas. This moon ponders the question: "Should we constantly strive for more?" It encourages you to explore the ways you can grow from within, by developing your creativity, self-assurance, child-life curiosity, and sense of inner peace—all Leo energy archetypes.


Indeed you may already understand how broken these expectations are and be working to change them, and in that case, consider this a further call to action to redefine this belief system.


The Impact Of Jupiter In Aries

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dottedhippo / Getty Images Via Canva Pro
dottedhippo / Getty Images Via Canva Pro

This New Moon is also enhanced by a trine with Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter is the planet linked to growth and expansion, prosperity and good luck. Although this can be tied to worldly prosperity, it is frequently linked to spiritual development: an evolution of concepts and a shift in the general awareness.


This expansion possesses a brave component in Aries. You may be sure that if you follow your heart, dramatic transformation and change can happen when the Fire Signs of Leo and Aries cooperate.


What Is Your "More"?

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karsten Winegeart / Unsplash
karsten Winegeart / Unsplash

Consider what areas of your life you feel pressured to improve? What do you believe you have an obligation to work toward? Not because you actually care about it, but rather because society has assigned it significance.


This is not simply what things you need to provide for yourself and your family, lower your stress levels, and provide a nice quality of life, but everything else you feel pushed to accomplish in addition to that.


The Energy Of The New Moon

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Lens Travelier / Unsplash
Lens Travelier / Unsplash

Use the self-reflective, brave energy of this New Moon to consider all the unimportant aspirations you may let go of.


I promise you will feel so much lighter. Instead, focus on developing that limitless ocean of inner satisfaction, spiritual connection, and self-love.

For more information, discover what Moon Phase you were born under with this Moon Reading by clicking here. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.