As 2025 creeps ever closer, we all want to know what the next year has in store. What will we experience? What will change? How can we know? If you're open to some mysticism, there is somewhere you can look for some insight on the year ahead.
For this, we must first turn back a few centuries to listen to the teachings of old seers and prophets. It's not for nothing either, as some of these sources have predicted things with shocking accuracy in the past, especially the famous soothsayer Nostradamus.
But what if you want to look into your future? There are ways to do that too, namely by looking up at the stars.
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Nostradamus is a French astrologer and self-proclaimed seer who lived in the 1500s. During his time, he wrote a book called Les Prophéties, or 'The Prophecies,' which contained 942 poetic verses that he said were predictions of future events. People claim he successfully predicted events such as the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the rise of artificial intelligence.
His prophecies continue to shake the world every year, so let's see what he spoke of for 2025.
The prediction with the clearest ties to ongoing world events was one Nostradamus wrote about a 'long war,' the decline and inevitable end when both sides have worn themselves out. He wrote, "Through long war all the army exhausted, so that they do not find money for the soldiers; instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon."
Many believe this to be referencing the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, with 'Gallic brass' and the crescent moon potentially referring to intervention from either the French and/or Turkish, both having supported Ukraine in the past.
The end of one battle doesn't spell peace for all, though, as Nostradamus also predicted that England in particular would face some "cruel wars." Not only that, but they'd also face an "ancient plague" that will be "worse than enemies."
Some analysts believe these cruel wars could actually be within the royal family, some members descending into infighting and causing chaos within their rule. Some even believe this is what the plague is referring to, as it wouldn't be the first time a royal family's drama has caused upset for the nation.
Nostradamus had a rather specific prediction regarding a major type of natural disaster, an asteroid strike. He said that an asteroid he dubbed the "harbinger of fate" will get extremely close to hitting Earth, but will ultimately miss. "From the cosmos, a fireball will rise, A harbinger of fate, the world pleads. Science and fate in a cosmic dance, The fate of the Earth, a second chance."
Though, some interpret this as meaning the asteroid will hit and will wipe out human life, giving our actual planet Earth a second chance at survival once we're not longer able to rob it of its natural resources.
More predictions of natural disasters follow, though this one is a lot more specific and doesn't spell the extinction of the entire human species. As Nostradamus wrote, "Garden of the world near the new city, In the path of the hollow mountains: It will be seized and plunged into the Tub, Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur."
The "garden of the world" is believed to be the Amazon rainforest. The tub and sulfur comments point to either a flood or some volcanic activity.
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Lastly, and perhaps strangely, Nostradamus predicted the rise of an "aquatic empire." His exact words were, "From the depths, a ruler will rise, In the midst of floods reaching to the skies. Empires will fall, and new waves will reign, The Aquatic Empire, from the realm of the ocean."
This one is... hard to interpret in a way that isn't a fish-people race rising from the oceans. But hey, if that happened, it would be pretty cool.
When reading Nostradamus' predictions in particular, always consider his poetic style. Poetry is very artistic, it embellishes a lot, uses a lot of flourishes, and often the language used isn't literal. It's more allegorical. That means these lines are extremely up for interpretation, and there's no telling for sure what exactly they'd entail should they come true.
This also means we shouldn't live in fear over what they say. While watching these predictions can be fascinating, don't let them control your life. This year is ours to make, as is every year, so put your energy toward making it the best year you can. That's the only way forward.
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