This Year’s Perseid Meteor Shower is Guaranteed to be the Most Magical Thing You’ve Ever Seen
First off, we all love a good astronomical event taking place above our heads, especially if it’s a meteor shower. This shower in particular is known as the Perseid meteor shower that has been well known since the year 1992 and will only occur once more, in the year of 2026.
You can expect the sky to keep falling beginning July 17th. You should be able to see these wonders until the 24th of August. The best time for you be outside viewing this amazing astronomical phenomena are between the days of the 11th and the 13th of August.
The reason why those dates are chosen in particular is because NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has come up with an estimated 100 meteors per hour that should be visible during the peak week of Perseid. If you do not have any plans, or wish to make new plans with some friends or family, this could be the perfect event you’re looking for!
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A good way to prepare for this meteor shower is by finding a remote location, one without any light pollution in the night sky. Putting yourself in complete darkness can prove to be the most beneficial when viewing the falling stars.
Luckily, you won’t even need a telescope since the meteor shower is already visible to the naked eye if you travel out far enough from the city to actually see the stars. You may want to pack some snacks, a picnic blanket, a regular warm blanket to snuggle under, and your loved ones. Bring your love for the universe and your love for the world.