Rare Blue Supermoon Rises On August 30th, Won’t Be Seen Again For Nearly A Decade
Most people today have probably moved away from the lunar calendar to tell time. We have more standardized ways of marking the passing of days, turning them into weeks, then months, then years. Even within those confines, the moon still tends to have a similar cycle, with each calendar month containing one full moon and one new moon.
It does deviate sometimes, though, not beholden to the same rules of time as we humans. Every so often, we'll get two full moons in one month, thus introducing a blue moon, like the one set to appear this month.
All the celestial movements have the potential to alter our lives, but it's the stars that have the most say over our destiny. To learn what the stars have to say about you and your life, you'll need a personalized birth chart reading.
Unlock the secrets to your future with a zodiac chart reading, all you need is your date of birth! See what life has in store for you today, click here to find out.
The Cycle Starts Anew

Every month, the moon cycles to its peak, granting us a big, bright, and beautiful full moon. With this full moon comes strength, power, and significant influence over each of the zodiac signs.
It's an event worth preparing for if you have some intentions you're looking to follow through on or some goals you need a bit of a boost to reach. Sometimes, the full moon's inherent power is strengthened by it being a supermoon.
Coming Back Again

A supermoon, or its more formal name of a perigean full moon, takes place when the moon is full while at its closest orbit point around Earth. This makes it really shine, appearing both 8% larger and 16% brighter in our night sky.
This also means its more mystical properties are at their peak, so those who follow the moon for spiritual purposes will see extra strength in their manifestations during supermoons.
August has already had a supermoon, the super sturgeon moon that rose at the beginning of the month. However, it has one more in store for us, a phenomenon so rare we won't see it again until 2032.
Two In One

A blue supermoon will be rising on August 30th, nearly 14 years since the previous one in December of 2009 (disclaimer, it won't actually appear blue).
While the title of 'supermoon' is to do with the moon's visible size in the sky, a blue moon has to do with the timing. A full moon is dubbed a blue moon when it's the second full moon to take place within one calendar month.
This is where the phrase "once in a blue moon" comes from, as it's not a super common happening, with NASA stating they occur every two and a half years or so. The last blue moon was in October 2020.
Rising To The Surface

But, as mentioned, this blue moon has the added 'supermoon' label as well, making it much more rare and a much more exciting celestial event. The next one won't take place for another nine years, so it's worth going out to spot it now if you can.
Now, for its more spiritual properties. This blue supermoon will be rising in Pisces, giving rise to our more emotional and dreamy side. This could mean that we're feeling things we thought we had buried long ago, or we're having to delegate between our wishes for the future and what's actually realistic.
Facing Your Struggles

This sounds like a bit of a tough matchup, a low point that might leave us feeling hopeless or defeated, but that's not the case! These unfounded expectations and stuck emotions will only bring about more pain further down the line if they're not dealt with now. Don't fight against them when you feel them rising up in your chest. Sit with them, honor them, and release them so you can finally move forward.
That's what a blue supermoon excels at, the process of letting go. Though full moons are typically the culmination of power, of manifestation, of a goal, the blue supermoon comes by so rarely, and serves as a reminder to shed the things that no longer serve us.
Reaping What You Sow

This blue supermoon in particular also has strong ties to karmic retribution, as it's rising alongside Saturn, the planet that controls fate. It's a bringer of justice to those who deserve it, and for those in the clear, there will instead be an intensity being planning for the future.
As we let go of dead weight and settle our scores, there's nothing left but to look ahead. What do we want to see in the coming years? Where to we want to be? What do we want to change? How much of all this is in our control?
Going With The Flow

There's a lot of meditation to be done, but that's sort of a relief. This blue supermoon is more about inaction, waiting for these things to come to pass, while also keeping a close eye on your innermost desires. When you feel that push to start setting some new goals or take that first step toward a desire of yours, chase it. Ride that wave and see where it takes you.
Saturn's presence also reminds us to be wary of doubts, anxieties, or other emotional roadblocks, as they may stand in the way of our progress. You're stronger than all of these things, and as we release the things we don't find use in any longer, you can release those feelings, too.
Eyes To The Sky

In releasing what burdens we can, we will see a clear path toward progress, healing, and positive change. There's nothing in this life worth clinging onto so hard it becomes a detriment to your mental health.
At the very least, this blue supermoon will be a beautiful sight to behold. The Farmer's Almanac states it will be 17,000 miles closer to Earth than usual, meaning it will be a very large, very bright moon, making for a very lovely night. No matter how you choose to enjoy the moon's presence, be sure to do so, lest you wait nine years to try again.
You also don't have to wait for some celestial shift to make changes in your life. There are powers you can learn right now that will help you attract the life you truly desire.
In fact, it's called the Law of Attraction. It's an extremely powerful tool once you master it, one that can change everything about your life. To get started and see what the Law of Attraction can bring to you, click here.