Rare Full Wolf Moon Eclipse: Get Ready For A Massive Energy Shift On January 10th 2020
The Lunar Eclipse on January 10, 2020 is an event that has been anticipated for years, personally for about 5 years for me.
It is closely aligned with (conjunct) a once every 36-year heavy, purgative and nuclear yet shadowy aspect, Saturn conjunct Pluto, in Saturn’s own sign of monolithic Capricorn.
The bright side is, many will come out the other end of this moment of pure fateful tribulation cleansed, purified, open-hearted, replenished and blessed with the type of experience and purity of spirit that absolutely nothing but rough times in life can bring.
Nothing, absolutely nothing can supplement the character and purity of human spirit, obtained through struggle, and there are no exceptions: human beings do not develop as they should without hard times.
We have a lot to look forward to in 2020, mostly high energy, replenished activity and motion in everyone, after this final wave of what defined 2019.
That said, be warned, the eclipse on January 10 and the week before it, as well as the rest of January approximately, will be laced with the most intense and strange, dark and shadowy, surreal and volatile flavor of energy.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
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This is the chart for the long-anticipated Monolithic Eclipse of Saturn conjunct Pluto, aligned with the once every 36 year, quite dark and purgative Saturn conjunct Pluto.
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The eclipse peaks at the synchronistic degree of precisely 20.00 degrees Cancer and Capricorn, very closely aligned with Saturn conjunct Pluto, both at 22 degrees Capricorn.
The shadowy colors in this chart are really meant to paint a picture of the atmosphere.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
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Eclipse in Cancer, Sun in Capricorn
The axis of family and sustenance, solidness and emotional direction, material stability and foundational love and connection to life
The main feature of this eclipse, is that the Sun is conjunct the once every 36 year purging, heavy, dark, strange, potentially psychic and bizarre Saturn conjunct Pluto. It defined 2019, hitting people with intensity around April – May and July – August 2019.
Capricorn is the sign of Saturn itself, the sign of structure, ambition, the global life-lines and support systems that maintain sustenance and foundations for everyone.
It’s a sign of little emotion, but much structure and resilience, and together, the axis of Capricorn and Cancer are like the mother and the father, both involved in sustaining life and consciousness, Capricorn in a material sense, and Cancer in an emotional way.
The Full Moon eclipse in Cancer thankfully points us all toward this state of moral replenishment, open emotions and flowing, uninhibited expression, empathy, and love in general.
However, this entire equation very clearly points to upheaval and sudden explosions (Pluto) of emotion (Cancer/Pluto) giving way to the destruction, obliteration more like, of blockage and rigidness (Saturn/Capricorn) in the emotions.
Many different potential scenarios can arise either interpersonally or collectively, with themes like this.
With Jupiter in Capricorn for the rest of the year as well, the aftermath of this will likely see everybody active, in motion, replenished and focused on one thing: material stability.
Work will be massively central in the focus of everybody, in more of an active, functional way for the rest of 2020.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
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Eclipse trine Neptune
Imaginative pondering, journeying into the mind’s eye off in thought, delving into the color and flavor of music and the arts, surfing the waves of shadowy energy
A daydreamy, thick and hazy, dark yet Neptunian vibe should accompany the period of time around this eclipse, influenced by the positive aspects it makes to Neptune.
Who knows where people will go in their minds, in their bubbles of thought characterized by Neptune/Pisces.
One thing is for sure, everybody would be well advised to protect themselves from delving too deep into the darkness, when they contemplate, ponder, daydream or go off in thought.
At the same time, it’s not always best for a moment of cleansing and purging, to fully avoid diving into what should be contemplated.
It’s possible to go too far with contemplation of that which is hard to deal with, much more at this time.
Eclipse quintile Venus
Link to revolutionary spark of the free human spirit, social connection to thinking and learning
Perhaps the most positive element here, a spark of the free human spirit, the thinker, the revolutionary is firmly present in positive aspect to the eclipse with Venus in Aquarius, the sign of this energy, quintile the Moon.
The quintile aspect is that of the points on a 5 pointed star, 144 degree angles, the golden line in the chart representing synchronicity, things falling into place.
Something about this emotional move toward openness, post-purging, should connect people to the vision of a free human being, the creator, the thinker and tyranny or slavery resisting energy.
The will to be free, prosperous, and objectively moral should be present in this configuration.
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!
Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.
Eclipse sesquiquadrate Mars
Tension, volatile potential, simmering frustration
A lightly negative aspect between the Lunar Eclipse and Mars is active here, influencing the underlying tension, frustration, or volatile potential of the moment. The Sun is semisquare Mars on the cusp of Sagittarius and Scorpio, while it’s sesquiquadrate the Eclipse.
The Eclipse’s precision
One reason people have been dreadfully anticipating this eclipse for 5 + years, is due to the uncanny precision of it, not the eclipse itself, but its alignment with this once every 36 year Saturn conjunct Pluto.
It’s the confluence of 3 different planetary nodes, meaning the Moon, Saturn, and Pluto are all close to their point of exact closeness, to the belt of the zodiac (ecliptic), so this conjunction is happening more precisely on the belt of the zodiac than any other possible configuration of the 3 bodies.
It’s not as complex as it sounds, essentially Saturn touches the zodiac belt exactly here in Capricorn and Cancer, and Pluto also touches the zodiac belt exactly here in Capricorn/Cancer as well, and the eclipses are also when the Sun and Moon conjoin or oppose at their Nodes, where they touch that belt.
Nodes are the points at which planets precisely touch the zodiac belt, and this is an eclipse on a triple conjunction of Saturn and Pluto also on their heliocentric Nodes, only reached once every 15 years (Saturn) and once every 175 years (Pluto).
Another thing is, the last major Saturn/Pluto aspect was right around September 11, 2001: Saturn opposition Pluto, so for years, predictions of geopolitical tension or disaster have existed surrounding this date in January 2020.
Some objectively wholesome advice is, stray strong and fear nothing.
All signs point to increased love, empathy, open-heartedness, understanding, respect, and perhaps most of all, gratitude, all emanating from the effect of this eclipse throughout January.
The more specific you get with your birth chart, the more you can focus on what the moon cycle means to you.
You can learn even more by studying numerology, the science of the numbers in your first name and date of birth.
Analyzing these numbers can give you interesting insight into who you are and how you move through the world. You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you as well!
That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.
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