If You Have These 10+ Characteristics, You Belong To The World’s Rarest Personality Type
People with INFJ personality type are some of the rarest people in the world. They have extremely unique characteristics that set them apart from the rest.
Do you feel like you are different from everyone you know? If so, don’t worry. There’s nothing wrong with you. The Meyers and Brigg’s system classifies the different types of personality types that can be found.
It was developed by two psychologists using Carl Jung’s psychoanalyst theories. The system is broken down into 4 different categories; extroversion/introversion, intuition/sensing, thinking/feeling, and perceiving/judging.
According to the system, an INFJ personality contains introversion, intuitive, feeling, and judging. Below are several characteristics that will help determine if you, or someone you know, is an INFJ.
These diamonds in the rough are a real treasure, so if you find this type of personality type in your life, never let them go!
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Below you will find the ten unique characteristics of the rarest personality type in the world!
1. They like to write

INFJs prefer to write than speak. They aren’t big talkers unless absolutely necessary. They find peace in writing because it allows them the creativity to express their thoughts.