September New Moon In Virgo, It’s Time To Sort Your Life Out
We're halfway through September now, which means it's just about time for another New Moon. As the moon continues its never-ending cycles, it asks us to join it on its journey of continuous growth and discovery, lending us some of its power to do so.
Given that each New Moon is under a new sign, its energy can change from month to month, inviting us to examine different areas of our lives. This time, the New Moon will rise in Virgo, meaning our more mundane daily habits will need some reevaluating.
While the New Moon helps us plan for the month ahead, if you're looking for a deeper, further insight into your future, you'll need a personalized astrological chart reading.
Using just your date of birth, you can see your life's path laid out before you, highlighting your future in romance, your career, and your health. If you want to know what's coming your way, click here to start today!
The Moon's Strength

Last month was an extremely powerful time for lunar cycles. Not only were there two supermoons but there was even a blue moon, making August a rare treat for those attuned to celestial movements.
As we settle into September, things might feel a little more ordinary, but that's okay! This opens the doors for us to get some much-needed practical work done, and the first major lunar event of the month—the new moon—asks us to really get things in order.
A New Moon's Demands

That's right, on the night of September 14th, the new moon will be rising under the sign of Virgo, generating a very practical, plan-oriented energy that will benefit us all. So long as we know to make use of it, that is.
The new moon always serves as a fresh start when it comes to our goals, plans, and course for the rest of the month. The new moon asks us to reevaluate where we are, where we want to be, and how to get there.
Our Personal Lives

With this new moon rising under Virgo, we should especially be focusing on matters of the home, our health, our routines, and our general well-being. This means a total lifestyle reset is possible if you're willing to hunker down and do the needed work.
What does that work look like, though? How can one best use a new moon whose energy they wish to harness?
Here are a few suggestions for activities you can participate in that will not only spark the cleansing energies of the new moon itself but will also put you in that practical, Virgo-driven mindset you're hoping to carry into the next month.
Clean Your Space

Even without this new moon in Virgo, sometimes the best way to clear your head is to clear the space it's residing in first. If cleaning your entire home feels a little overwhelming, break it down by room. Where do you spend the most time? Is it in your living room, at your desk, in your bedroom? Wherever your brain does most of its active work, clean that up first and foremost. Allow yourself this peace.
With a newly clean space and a brain that's content with the work it's done already, you can now see where else you might want to focus this energy.
Rework Your Schedule

While some of this is largely out of our control (given we all can't have complete control over our work schedule), it's worth examining how we spend our time on our days off.
Do you have a weekly habit that no longer brings you the same joy it once did? Do you want to open up more of your time by eliminating a task that feels superfluous? Or maybe you want to create a stricter schedule, planning out your days by the hour so you know exactly what to do and when.
No matter how you seek to change things, be sure you're doing so because it's what feels right to you. There's no wrong or right way to organize your time!
Re-examine Your Relationship With Discipline

Sometimes, when it comes to things we want to do but are struggling to start, motivation simply doesn't cut it. We need to look at how we face discipline, if at all, and identify where its causing some friction.
Either we're too hard on ourselves, walking the path to burnout faster than we can realize, or we're too lax on ourselves, waiting for the day when we're simply inspired to make change. Neither of these is a healthy approach to discipline.
Take some time to think about how to better implement discipline in your life that will leave you feeling more productive. This isn't about punishment; it's about getting that feeling of a job well done more often.
Set Your Boundaries

A boundary doesn't always have to be between you and someone else, you can also set boundaries with yourself. That's probably the move for this new moon since the focus is on changing your routines and your relationship with your time.
So, think of some limitations you think could be constructive in your life. That could look like limiting your own screen time, cutting out an unhealthy habit, or committing to a weekly cleaning schedule.
You have to make sure that when you're limiting yourself, you replace that limitation with something that still brings you joy, as just forcing yourself to do things you hate will cause you to fall out of this new routine pretty quickly. Think of ways you can reward yourself for maintaining these boundaries!
Be Aware Of Burnout

Above all else, and a point that ties into all the previous ones, you have to become more cognizant of the role burnout plays in your life. How often are you feeling it, what causes it, and what helps you come out of it? It's something we all face from time to time, so examining how it appears in our lives can help us better overcome it in the future.
For all of the previous goals to be feasible, we have to avoid what triggers burnout for us. Don't force yourself to do something if you think it'll send you spiralling.
A Job Well Done

Overall, this new moon is one of healthy, pragmatic, and realistic changes we can all make in our lives. It asks us to examine the mundane for a change rather than looking to lofty futures. After all, we can't even dream of attaining the futures we desire if our present-day self is in need of some work.
While it may seem a little ordinary, maybe even boring, know that this new moon will be a gentle force that genuinely wants us to take care of ourselves. You'll be shocked at all the positive change that building a strong foundation and generating a renewed sense of vigor can bring you.
The strength of insights given to us by the celestial is unmatched, which is why so many people turn to the stars to sort out personal matters like that of love. With an expert's guidance, you can learn all about your romantic future right from home.
Click here to enter a chat with an astrological guru who will gladly tell you all about your current lot in love and what will come next!