Singles Day is Coming On 11/11,  Here is What Chinese Numerology Says Those Numbers Mean For Your Love Life

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Have you heard of the shopping day that has become even bigger than Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Amazon’s Prime Day, and even Boxing Day? You may want to have your alarm set because by the end of that 24 hours, it is estimated that over $20billion will be spent as it was last year.

But Singles day is about a lot more than shopping. At its root, it’s a day to celebrate singlehood, and its date falling on November 11 has a very special significance. Find out what the numerology of this Chinese celebration means for your love life.

It Was Invited In China By Students in The 1990s As An Anti-Valentine

heart balloon about to pop by person holding needle

Cotton Bro / Pexels

Cotton Bro / Pexels

Singles’ Day goes all the way back to the 1990s and was originally known as “Bachelor’s day.” Basically young adults got tired of finding new reasons at the dinner table to explain to their families why they were still single.

Instead, the students at China’s Nanjing University start a celebration of their own as sort of anti-Valentine’s day. It started as a joke where being single was an honor. But the activities quickly spread to the rest of the university. Then, other universities started doing the same and it became a whole event, even getting an official name change.