10+ Signs You’ve Definitely Found Your Soul Mate

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Finding a soul mate is #1 for many people. Personally, I believe you have a lot of chances to do so. Your soul mate might not necessarily just be one person. There’s a reincarnation based believe that I’ve always been fond of.

That belief is that when you die, your soul shatters and breaks into pieces.

Those pieces are randomly brought together with pieces of many other souls to form new souls and new people.

So when you meet someone that you so strongly click with or find that person who is so clearly your soul mate, you’re really finding pieces of your soul in them, and they’re finding pieces of their soul in you.

1. You Just Connect Without Trying

Maybe you met through a mutual friend. You might have run into each other at the park. Maybe you were making eyes at each other at the bar.

Whatever the case, when you finally said hello, there was electricity. There was a deep and intense connection made through conversation and body language. For some couples, this feeling fades over time but with your soul mate, it only grows more intense over time.

Enjoy this, because it’s not something everyone gets to have. Learn how to keep your partner coming back for more, click here and watch this free video from relationship expert, Amy North.