Sunday’s Fiery Full Moon In Aries Sees Emotions Running High, Here’s How It Impacts Your Sign
Weekly Horoscopes October 3rd - 9th, 2022.Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV.
With Mercury now in direct motion again, there’s a productive, can-do energy around this week. Thursday in particular is excellent for innovation; the Mercury-Pluto trine helps to create win-win solutions with people who may have opposed you in the past.
On Saturday, Pluto turns direct. This is an opportunity to get back to restructuring your routines and schedules, having had to put those plans on hold for the last several months while Pluto was retrograde.
Sunday’s fiery Full Moon in Aries sees emotions running high, but with this lunation opposing Venus, we will need to be careful not to overstep the line between passion and anger.
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Focus on what you can achieve this week, rather than worrying about the things that you can’t quite yet get to. It’s important to be realistic, especially on Thursday when Mercury and Pluto put deals and solutions within your reach. You’re making progress.
When Pluto turns direct on Saturday, prepare for change ahead in your working life. Look at ways you can work with that change instead of trying to resist it. Ultimately, it will get you closer to where you want to be.
Sunday’s Aries Full Moon is a powerful expression of your soul essence. Stand up and be proud of who you are - but don’t let your temper ruin an otherwise glorious day.
During the first half of this week, you may be able to fit more “quality” into your life. Think carefully about your routines and schedules - are you wasting time that you could use for much more interesting things? Time spent commuting or running errands could definitely be used better.
When Pluto turns direct on Saturday, you may have a mini crisis of confidence about your education or your qualifications. Don’t let this wobble put you off your goals - you can always start to study again if you need to.
On Sunday, the Full Moon shines from the most spiritual zone of your natal birth chart. Don’t be surprised if you experience something paranormal or inexplicable. The Moon is asking you to be open to possibilities beyond those understood by science.
Your focus is on family matters in the early half of this week. Mercury and Pluto join forces to help you settle longstanding grudges or feuds. If you are willing to be the bigger person, a lot of healing can happen now, especially on Thursday.
However, when Pluto turns direct on Saturday, guilt or struggles with intimacy issues could threaten to derail your closest relationship. Keep speaking from the heart and don’t be panicked into anything drastic.
The Full Moon on Sunday ramps up the emotional tension even further. A good way to handle this is to focus on your long-term objectives. Don’t worry too much about day-to-day arguments or niggles. If you and your partner are on the same page for your long-term goals, you will easily weather this storm.
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
Mercury and Pluto team up to help you solve practical, day-to-day issues this week. You’ll find win-win solutions for household chores, division of labor within your family, childcare issues, caring responsibilities, and much more - you just need to be open to trying ideas that might seem off the wall.
When Pluto turns direct on Saturday, don’t worry if your relationship seems to shift a little bit. You are both changing and growing as people, but that’s perfectly fine. You can grow together.
Look to the Full Moon on Sunday for a sense of pride in your career. Recognition is on the way for you now, especially if you’ve been working hard with little thanks in recent months. All of your efforts are about to pay off - congratulations!
Financial matters get a dose of practical, sensible cosmic input early this week. On Thursday in particular, the trine between Mercury and Pluto helps you make intelligent decisions, perhaps saving a lot of money or opening up a brand new income stream.
Pluto turns direct on Saturday, which for you might mean taking a backseat for a while. It’s time for someone you love to be in the limelight instead - your role now is to be their support and their best cheerleader.
Sunday’s Full Moon asks you to take a leap of faith. Adventure is calling you, but will you be bold enough to say yes to the Universe? It would mean upending your routines and potentially your whole way of life - but isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?
With Mercury now direct in your sign, you’re at your cleverest, most ingenious best this week. When Mercury trines Pluto on Thursday, expect brilliant ideas to come thick and fast - and you’ll also feel like breaking the rules a little bit. Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo or do things differently.
When Pluto turns direct on Saturday, try to nurture a new talent that you’ve only just discovered within yourself. Anything that stretches your mind, your creativity, or your intellectual skills will be excellent for you. How about mastering a musical instrument?
Meanwhile, Sunday’s Full Moon brings a great deal of heat and passion to your love life. Watch out, though. Emotions are running very high at this point, and there’s a very fine line between passion and obsession.
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
The first half of this week centers around secrets of some sort - especially secrets related to your childhood or your family. When Mercury trines Pluto on Thursday, it would be helpful if these secrets come out into the open. For better or for worse, the time for hiding them may be over.
Pluto turning direct on Saturday in the family zone of your natal birth chart further reinforces this concept. Change is on the way in your family or home, but it will ultimately be for the very best.
Look to the Full Moon on Sunday for some beautiful, soaring romance that will help take your mind off any family problems. This lunation in your opposite sign is a promise of an exceptionally loving end to the week.
There’s a very practical vibe to the early part of your week. You have a lot of chores and errands to complete, and a to-do list that never seems to get any smaller. However, you also have the intelligence to work smarter, not harder - and when Mercury trines Pluto on Thursday you should be able to find ways to save time.
Pluto turns direct on Saturday in the communication zone of your natal birth chart, which is a signal that you may need to change the way you’re communicating if you want people to back you or follow you.
Meanwhile, Sunday’s Full Moon occurs in the health zone of your chart - this is a wonderful opportunity for healing, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. Embrace a more holistic lifestyle so that your wellness can continue to grow.
Your career is in focus early this week, with Mercury - now direct - helping you succeed through your notable ‘soft’ skills. Make the most of a golden opportunity that arises on Thursday, when Mercury and Pluto team up. A promotion or a raise is possible now, or a very lucrative new client if you are self-employed.
Finances also improve when Pluto turns direct in the money zone of your natal birth chart on Saturday. This removes the self-doubt and second-guessing that you’ve been doing over the last few months, and enables you to get back into an abundance mindset.
There’s good news for your love life too, as the Full Moon shines from your joy zone on Sunday. Enjoy an exuberant day, especially if you’re dating or looking for love!
Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
Mercury is expanding your mind this week, bringing all kinds of new ideas and new experiences into your orbit. You’re in the mood to try new things, especially when Mercury trines Pluto in Capricorn on Thursday. Get out of your rut by traveling if you can - even if it’s only somewhere local.
Pluto turns direct in your sign on Saturday, which will feel like a weight off your shoulders. After a very introspective few months, you’re more willing now to get back out into the world, socializing and sharing ideas.
There’s good news on the family front too, as the Full Moon on Sunday shines from this area of your chart. Successful completion of a real estate deal is on the cards, or perhaps the end - finally - of a long drawn-out renovation.
You’ll be in a very thoughtful frame of mind this week. Mercury is helping you to explore the very depths of your sensitivity, and you’re processing issues like guilt, anger, grief, or resentment. Thursday, when Mercury teams up with powerful Pluto, is an especially good day for counseling or therapy.
When Pluto turns direct on Saturday, you’ll start to see light at the end of the tunnel. This would be a good time to make new friends or to join a new club of some kind, as you start to look out into the world once more.
The Full Moon on Sunday will help with this too, as it encourages heartfelt communication and lots of social activity.
With Mercury now direct in your opposite sign, communication in your relationship gets a lot easier. On Thursday, when Mercury trines Pluto, ease any lingering tension on a day out, a date night, or a get-together with mutual friends.
In fact, Pluto turning direct in the social zone of your natal birth chart on Saturday is a signal that you will start to enjoy friendships of all kinds much more now. It’s time to stop hiding away and reconnect with those you’ve recently missed.
Sunday’s Full Moon occurs in your money zone and could bring anger or drama around finances - but it also brings you the passion, drive, and willpower to handle this well.
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