The 5 Zodiac Signs Who Are Most Likely To Cheat

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Being cheated on can feel like the ultimate betrayal. Your partner, to whom you're fully committed, going behind your back to see someone else. It's extremely hurtful and often spells the end of a relationship. Are there any predictors for cheating and infidelity? Are there any signs you can watch out for to keep your heart from breaking?

Some people think so, with that predictor being found in the stars, as one's zodiac sign could give insight into the likelihood that they'll cheat.

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Likely To Stray

A woman sitting on a couch, looking forward with a distant, disconnected expression. Next to her and out of focus is a man reaching out and putting his hand on her shoulder.
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Astrology has long been a fascinating subject for many, offering insights into our personalities, passions, and even our relationships. While some people swear by their horoscopes, others view them with great skepticism. Regardless of where you stand, there's no denying that zodiac signs can provide an interesting lens through which to examine human behavior.

One of the more controversial topics in astrology, especially within the relationship realm, is the idea that certain zodiac signs are more likely to cheat in relationships. Which signs, exactly? Let's find out.



A man sitting up in bed, holding a phone that's illuminating his face. His expression is shocked and betrayed as he looks at the woman sleeping beside him.
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Aries is known for their adventurous and impulsive nature. They're often driven by an innate desire for excitement and new experiences, which can make them enthusiastic partners, yes, but it can also lead to a wandering eye. The thrill of the chase and the thrill of something new can sometimes overshadow their commitment to their current partner.


Aries are also known for being independent. They don't like feeling tied down or restricted, which can sometimes lead to restlessness in a long-term relationship. If they feel their needs for adventure aren't being met, they might be tempted to seek fulfillment elsewhere, as they have trouble controlling this impulse.

To learn more about Aries, click here!



A close shot of a woman laying her head on a table, visibly crying, fidgeting loosely with her wedding ring.
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Gemini, represented by the twins, is a sign known for its dual nature. This can manifest in a variety of ways, with many people assuming them to be inherently two-faced, which can give them a propensity for infidelity. Geminis are curious, social, and outgoing, always seeking connections with new people. This can make them very charming partners, but it can also lead to them straying if they feel bored or unfulfilled.


Gemini's duality means they can sometimes struggle with consistency and commitment. They may be easily tempted by new opportunities, especially if they feel their current relationship lacks excitement or stimulation.

To learn more about Gemini, click here!



A close shot of a woman pointing accusatorially at a man's phone, the man with his face in his hand.
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Leo is a sign known best for their charisma and desire for the spotlight. They're usually very confident, outgoing, and magnetic, drawing people into their orbit with ease. While this can make them attractive and engaging partners, it can also lead to a tendency to seek validation and admiration from others outside of their relationship.


Leos thrive on attention and can sometimes feel neglected if they don't receive enough from their partner. They love the rush of a new relationship and the over-pouring of love that happens in the honeymoon phase, so to satisfy that craving for attention, they might chase that phase over and over again.

To learn more about Leo, click here!



A woman and man sit side by side on a couch. The woman, out of focus, looks annoyed. The man, in focus, looks sad and thoughtful.
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Scorpios are known for their intense emotions and deep passions. They're usually highly committed and loyal partners, but they also have a darker side, one that pushes them to lean into the temptations that can lead to infidelity. Scorpios are known for their secrecy and desire for control, which can sometimes manifest into a need to explore hidden or 'taboo' aspects of life, including extramarital affairs.


Scorpio's intense emotional nature means they can become deeply attached to their partners, but if they feel even slightly betrayed or unfulfilled, they might seek solace elsewhere. Even worse, their secretive nature can make it difficult for their partners to detect any signs of infidelity.

To learn more about Scorpio, click here!



Three people sitting side-by-side on a dock, one man then two women. The man is embracing and kissing the woman directly next to him, but behind her back, he's holding the second woman's hand as well.
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Sagittarius is a sign well known for its love of freedom and exploration. Its signers are adventurous, optimistic, and always on the lookout for new things to try. While this can make them exciting and inspiring partners, it can also lead to a tendency to stray if they feel confined or restricted in their relationship.


Sagittarius values their independence a lot, so they may sometimes struggle with the idea of long-term commitment. They are always looking for the next adventure, and if they feel their current relationship is holding them back, they might be tempted to look elsewhere.

To learn more about Sagittarius, click here!

Think there are no good guys left? Think again, use this technique to land the partner of your dreams.


Staying True

A close shot of two people's hands linking index fingers, the woman's wedding ring being shown off.
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While astrology can provide interesting insights into personality traits and behaviors, it's important to remember that infidelity is a complex issue influenced by many outside factors. Just because someone's a Leo, it doesn't mean they're guaranteed to cheat, and just because someone is, say, a Taurus, that doesn't mean they'll never cheat, either.


While certain zodiac signs may have tendencies that make them more prone to cheating, it's ultimately up to the people involved whether or not they decide to cheat, regardless of their sign. Cheating can be avoided in any relationship if the couple communicates honestly, openly, and really commits to one another.

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