The 6 Signs Of An Intuition That Is Always On Point, And Should Be Listened To

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The good news is that we all have intuition. Every single one of us. The bad news is, we don’t all know how to tap into it. For some of us, our experience and natural abilities give us a much more powerful sense of intuition. Empaths for example are known to have an intuition that can almost feel supernatural in its strength.

So how do you know which category you fall into? Well, if you meet the following signs, then chances are your intuition is one that should always be trusted, and listened to.

Noticing 11:11 On The Clock

clock that shows 11:30 timing

Jessica Monte / Pexels

Jessica Monte / Pexels

Your intuition will literally try to communicate with you. In order to get your attention, it will shift your focus to patterns such as numbers. Pay attention to them and look up what they mean. Each set of digits can reveal a lot of information on what message you are being sent.

Pay attention to other patterns and opportunities. For example, if you’re struggling at work, your intuition might direct you to job postings that directly align with your interests. ​