The Biggest Deathbeds Regrets Shared By The Dying
It’s hard to pinpoint our exact regrets as we go through life because they’re constantly changing. We regret decisions in the moment but we move on and eventually, they don’t seem like a big deal. But, over time, some regrets accumulate and mold into one big regret. Unfortunately, by the time we realize what it is that we value most and wish we had done differently, it’s a little too late. The good news is, if you’re reading this, you’re likely alive and well. That means that you still have an opportunity to do something about your regrets so by the time that you’re on your deathbed, you have none.
Pay attention to these biggest deathbed regerts, shared by people in their final days. They were recorded by Shannon L. Alder an author and therapist, known for her tidbits of wisdom that have been published in over 100 different books.
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Living True To The Self

Aarón Blanco Tejedor / Unsplash
Aarón Blanco Tejedor / Unsplash
“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life other people expected of me.”
From a very young age, we become conditioned to live to please and look good in the eyes of others. We prioritize the value of how others see us, over the way we see ourselves. We work tirelessly to make relationships work, to get promotions at work, to be seen, appreciated, and valued by strangers. We have created social networks that carry the sole purpose of seeing, and being seen. However, we end up setting unrealistic expectations and working towards unachievable standards.
We never feel good enough or stop to appreciate who we are and how far we’ve come. We never truly feel fulfilled or take the risks necessary to reach our highest selves, without worrying about how it affects everyone else, or what everyone will think of it. Sadly, at the end of the day, only we are responsible for our own happiness and achievements so what others think really doesn’t matter.