The Four Facial Traits That Make The Most Attractive People
Researchers keep on trying to unlock the million-dollar question: what makes a person the most beautiful? The media keeps on changing the women they show as most beautiful and we keep on changing our appearance and fashion in an attempt to keep up. But the question is, do we actually ever actually “feel” beautiful?”
Does it truly come down to a science, where certain traits deem a person most attractive or is beauty relative like they say? Let’s find out!
The More Symmetry The Better

Oladimeji Odunsi / Unsplash
Oladimeji Odunsi / Unsplash
Many experimental studies have shown that men and women both prefer faces that are more symmetrical. They even came up with ratios and masks that can measure the level of symmetry in a face, and by extension its beauty. Even monkeys have been noticed gazing longer at symmetrical faces.
But why? Well, science doesn’t seem to have gotten that far. It could have something to do with evolution and our brains tricking themselves into thinking that a symmetrical face must be a sign of good health. Maybe we associate good genes with the more successful development of a facial structure.