The Manifesting Secrets That Brought Beyoncé To Success, Shared By The Star Herself

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Let us remind you of how powerful each and everyone one of us is. We each the power to change our lives by the thoughts we entertain, the words that come from those thoughts and the actions that manifest these ideas.

If you don’t believe it, take it from someone who has unlocked the power of manifesting themselves and has shown it to the whole world. Beyoncé practices the idea of manifestation. All of Beyoncé’s biggest performances and career achievements are visualizations that she spoke into existence long before they ever happened. Yet, she doesn’t keep these secrets to herself. Here are the biggest lessons she shared to inspire you.

Visualizing With The Most Details Possible

beyonce talks about visualizations in interview

TheCelebFactory / Youtube

TheCelebFactory / Youtube

Beyonce shared in interviews: “I usually have dreams about my performances. I have visualized everything from the color of my stiletto to my hairstyle, to the choreography and movement. No one has seen it except me…All of my great performances I saw them happen before they did.”

Visualization is a very powerful tool that any of us can practice. In fact, many of us do it without realizing when we’re daydreaming about how we wish our lives could be. Except visualizing with action is taking it one step further and making that vision as clear as possible, with as much detail as the mind can set out into the universe.