The Zodiac Sign That Makes For The Most Civil Kind Of Ex

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Zodiac signs can reveal a lot about our loves lives, from our most compatible matches, to our dating habits that could maybe use some work. Our sign might actually be able to predict the kind of ex we would be, from most civil, to petty and dramatic.

They say that it’s during a breakups that people reveal their true colors. Yet they also say that breakups feel the same as grief, so we should cut ourselves some slack. Find out what sign is best equipped to deal with this kind of pain.

Cancer Becomes Emotional

woman wiping off tears with cleanex

Andrea Piacquadio / Unsplash

Andrea Piacquadio / Unsplash

Cancers can’t help the tears streaming down their face. They feel deeply and just like they loved their person with everything they have, they mourn their loss with intense grief. They’re entitled to their feelings as they make for some of the most loyal and supportive partners there are. They always put in the effort and take care of everyone around them, even before themselves.

The intensity of this pain can be hard to deal with. Cancers might impulsively block their ex so they can try to get over them, or they might send them a long text to reconcile even when they shouldn’t. They have a hard time letting go or “giving up” on their person.