The Zodiac Signs That Need Kindness This Holiday Season
When the holidays or the new year roll around, what do you find yourself thinking about? Maybe you think about your family, about the time you've spent together, or maybe you reflect on how your career has progressed over the past year. For some, these thoughts are comforting, but for others, they can be overwhelming and stressful.
For those prone to more harmful thought patterns during the holiday season, know that you're not alone. There are plenty of people who need a little extra kindness this time of year.
Your star sign can reveal a lot about your life, what exists now, and what will come to pass. If you want more insight into your future and what to expect from it, it's time for a zodiac birth chart reading.
Uncover secrets not only within yourself but also the world around you once your planetary alignments are analyzed. All you need is your date of birth, and you can see all that is to come in your love life, career, and more!
Seasonal Blues

The holidays can be pretty tough for some people. It's a very emotional time, not just because of family obligations and community kindness but because the year is coming to an end, and reflecting on all that can bring up some big feelings.
Some zodiac sign's dispositions can make them more likely to feel these emotional effects of the holidays and feel them in bigger ways. These signs deserve extra kindness and gentleness, especially from themselves.

Aries, this year has been all about the hustle for you as you've been tackling multiple projects non-stop. Now, it's time to hit the brakes a bit. You often feel the need to keep pushing, but the truth is that you've already accomplished so much. You're allowed to give yourself some rest as we close out the year. Instead of focusing on individual tasks that seem small, take in the scope of all you've done this year and see how amazing it is.
And sure, your achievements matter, but remember that your value goes way deeper. Remember the awesome person you are outside of your goals and the way you serve others. Really treat yourself in these final days of the year, let yourself indulge in the things you love or some rare treats. It's time to unwind and enjoy the season. You've earned it!

Virgo, you've worked hard all year, meticulously fine-tuning every element of your life. You strive for perfection constantly and will accept nothing less. When was the last time you took a break, though? Have you really relaxed in a while? When you get too caught up in the little details, you start to miss the big picture.
Working this hard towards some sort of 'perfect' life doesn't matter if you're not going to enjoy yourself. This holiday season, be sure to take a moment to appreciate yourself. Think about the life you've built thus far and what you like most about it. Then, take those things you like and expand on them next year. Focus on yourself for a change, not anyone else. Put your needs first and see how you feel. You deserve the attention, you deserve the love, and you deserve your happiest life.

Scorpio, you probably feel like you're really going through it right now, with the added guilt that comes with feeling bad around the holidays. A year of repressed and buried emotions has finally come to the surface. Though you may want to, running from them won't make them disappear. It's time to face those tough, ugly, and scary feelings head-on. Stop running from yourself, your past, and the heartbreaks you've suffered.
The kindest gift you can give yourself this holiday season is permission to feel it all. Shed a tear or two if you need to, or fully bawl your eyes out if that's what your heart wants. Express the way you feel through art, through motion, whatever gets it out of your system. You're not this impenetrable fortress you sometimes pretend to be. Your softer side deserves kindness, too. Sit with it, and give yourself some well-deserved grace.

Aquarius, you've spent a lot of this year being at the beck and call of others, neglecting your own needs. You're the forward thinker, always buzzing with ideas, so your mind is constantly racing. You're also very kind, wanting to help your loved ones whenever possible. This results in a generous soul that always wants to be doing something, a combo that others will consider easy to take advantage of.
This holiday season, step away from others' demands of you and focus solely on yourself. Remember, you're not a machine, you're a person with dreams and moments of vulnerability. Be kind to yourself, find joy in simplicity, and indulge in a bit of self-care. Reconnect with yourself and your uniqueness. Commit to existing solely for yourself next year.
Onto The Next

Anyone dealing with major emotional turmoil during the holidays could really do with some kindness. Even if they don't fall under one of these signs, if you know someone who struggles during the holidays, reach out to them and see how they're holding up. A check-in from a friend could mean more to them than you know.
Don't forget to extend that kindness to yourself, either. Celebrate the fact that you made it through another year. That's an incredible achievement all on its own! Recognize and honor that, honor your strength, you did it!
You can learn a lot about your life and how you process events based on your star sign alone, but it can be tough to know where to start learning more about your chart and what it means.
Let an expert help instead, get a professional breakdown of your unique birth chart and what it means for you. See your life laid out before your very eyes, click here to learn more and get started today!