5 Ways To Spot A Toxic Family Member
In my opinion, there is nothing more challenging and heartbreaking than having to end the connection and distance yourself from a loved one.
Family ties are some of the strongest bonds anyone has in their entire life. Whether you are family by blood or family by choice, everyone has certain people they consider to be family.
Family is supposed to always be there for you and you never expect your family to hurt you. However, some family members can be more destructive and damaging than anyone else.
When this sacred bond is broken, it can leave a lasting wound. The truth is, some people are simple too toxic for you to be around and you need to move on without them.
Don’t be ashamed for deciding to put yourself first. Never put your physical, mental, or emotional well-being on the line just because someone is “family.”
So, how do you know how to spot a toxic family member? Pay attention for these five warning signs!
1. They feed off drama.
Have you ever decided to turn to family member for some advice or shared some of your deepest fears with someone you trusted? You expose your vulnerabilities in hopes to receive some sort of assistance in a time of need.
Then you find out they have completely betrayed you and now everyone knows your secrets. This is the ultimate betrayal, especially when it comes from a close family member or trusted friend.