15 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone

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There are always moments in our lives where we feel as if we must do this certain thing for this certain someone all because we are a good person and want to live up to those expectations that people have set for us.

Well, the truth of the matter is that you don’t necessarily owe anything to anyone.

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The fact that you are so willing to put other people’s needs before your own is a very wonderful quality to have.

However, if you find yourself being the one who ends up with nothing in the end more often than not, then you should consider these good reasons to just say no the next time someone wants an explanation out of you.

I know how much social pressure there is to conduct yourself a certain way. Some people they know what’s best for you and the whole world. But remember…

1. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your living situation.

Two people sitting in the door of a van while parked in a snowy forest.
Pexels / Thirdman
Pexels / Thirdman

It doesn’t matter what kind of living situation you’re in, whether you have housemates, live alone, live unmarried with a partner, or live with your ex still.

You don’t need to explain to anyone why you live the way that you do.