Toxic Communication Issues Are Amplified, Blame It On Your Horoscope This Week
Weekly Horoscopes September 12th - 18th, 2022. Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV
The first part of this week abounds with relatively stable, grounded energy, particularly from lunar influences on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This is a good period for getting on with routine hard work, chores, and daily responsibilities.
Friday, however, brings a much more difficult vibe. An ill-tempered Venus-Mars square brings some quite toxic communication issues and a definite lack of respect. Meanwhile, the Sun opposes Neptune, so egos get in the way of easy resolution - and someone may not be telling the whole truth.
On Sunday, Mercury opposes Jupiter, both retrograde, so any tech mishaps or communication breakdowns are likely to be amplified. Success goes to those who can best control their frustration, helped by a constructive Sun-Pluto trine as the week draws to a close.
For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Anything that grounds you is very well-starred for much of this week. Getting outside for plenty of exercise will help motivate and focus your mind, and so will calming, graceful movement routines like ballet, yoga, or tai chi.
Be prepared for some tension with colleagues on Friday as Venus and Mars clash. You may well be in the right, but insisting on that isn’t going to do you any favors. It’s a much better idea to stay humble and to seek compromise at work. There isn’t space here for your giant-sized ego to get in the way.
Be careful with communication in your relationship on Sunday. As Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter retrograde, it’s easy to get the wires crossed. You are actually both on the same side, so don’t let misunderstandings get in your way.
A Taurus Moon holds sway for most of the middle of this week, bathing you in calming, comforting energy - perfect for enjoying life just as it comes. You’ll feel untroubled by any drama around you because your own emotional security is becoming ever stronger.
There could be a clash of hearts and minds on Friday, however, when your ruling planet Venus squares up to Mars. Arguments over money or flirting are likely; it would be wise not to make wild allegations where you have no evidence!
Sunday’s Mercury and Jupiter opposition, both retrograde, is a reminder to switch off and relax. You’re trying to get too much done in too little time - you deserve a break. Unplug your tech and drift away.
What you crave most of all this week is some peace and quiet. Your ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde, and you sense that keeping your head down is your best chance of avoiding arguments and drama. That works well midweek, especially if you also take the opportunity to kickstart a meditation practice.
Expect some tension at home on Friday, however, as Venus and Mars encourage petty fights among the family or over domestic issues. If you’re trying to sell your home, there could be confusion over paperwork, so check everything carefully.
On Sunday, Mercury opposes Jupiter, both retrograde. You may decide to go it alone on a major project. Teamwork is normally your ‘thing’ but something in the back of your mind tells you that a lone wolf approach might work better this time.
For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
Most of this week carries a very friendly and sociable vibe for you, with the Moon holding court from the friendship zone of your birth chart. Midweek especially is a very good time for negotiating, business networking, and strategizing with colleagues.
You’ll want to take good care of your privacy on Friday, however, when a tense Venus-Mars square stirs up a secret from your past that you’d prefer to keep under wraps. Be careful who you choose to share information with, as not everyone can be trusted.
Sunday’s Mercury retrograde opposition to Jupiter retrograde asks you to think more about your work-life balance. You may have been pursuing the goal of ‘having it all’ recently - but in your heart, you know you’re heading for burnout. Something needs to change.
The grounded lunar energy this week is excellent for making progress at work, especially midweek. Your ambitions are strong and you’ll seize any chance you can find to get ahead. And why not? If others are asleep on the job, that’s not your fault!
Money issues, or disagreements over moral values, are at the core of a tricky argument likely to erupt on Friday when Venus and Mars clash. If you and a friend are not on the same page politically or ethically, it could be time to part ways.
If you’re traveling over the weekend, take extra care with checking details. On Sunday in particular, Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter retrograde in your travel zone, potentially curtailing your explorations via careless errors or misplaced tickets.

You’re the very definition of a lifelong learner, and this week you’re in full-on study mode, whether you’re actually a student or learning something just for fun. The middle of the week is especially helpful if you’re finding something difficult because the lunar energies support your efforts at practice and analysis.
You may find yourself having to bluff your way through a work situation on Friday when Venus and Mars clash in a battle of expectations against realities. Hang in there. You’re doing all that you can, and any mini crisis will pass.
However, money matters create strong emotions over the weekend, especially when your ruler Mercury, still retrograde, opposes Jupiter, also still retrograde, on Sunday. This is not a good time for wild spending - try to get your budget back under control.
For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
Working on being your best you? Self-help and self-improvement efforts receive huge lunar support in the middle of the week, so keep pushing toward your goals; you’re definitely going in the right direction!
You may struggle on Friday with issues of fairness and justice, especially if you or a loved one have been wronged recently. As Venus and Mars clash, forceful opinions steal center stage, leaving you feeling as though you have been forgotten.
Don’t take it out on your partner. Mercury retrograde in your sign opposes Jupiter retrograde in your love zone on Sunday, which is a recipe for overreaction and heated arguments. Remember why you love each other; breathe and focus on happier things.
The Moon shines from your love zone for much of the middle of this week, lighting up your life with a strong emotional connection and a deeply sensual vibe. If you’re in love, midweek is the perfect time to express your heartfelt affection.
Friendship and love don’t mix well at all on Friday, however. As Venus and Mars clash, jealousy and tension increase - someone feels left out, and you’re caught in the middle of some very hurt feelings. This isn’t your fault, but unfortunately, it’s up to you to deal with the fallout.
Look to Sunday’s opposition between Mercury and Jupiter, both retrograde, for a lesson in why we don’t generally share our personal issues with the world. Something you’ve said in confidence may be repeated elsewhere, creating embarrassment, or worse.
There’s a very no-nonsense lunar vibe during the middle of this week, which is very helpful for grounding and centering your otherwise too-exuberant energy. You’ll find it easier to focus - it’s a great time for catching up on things you probably should have done weeks ago.
However, Friday’s Venus-Mars square creates a lot of tension in your love life, probably connected to career issues in some way. If your partner doesn’t understand why you’re working so hard, they’re going to feel resentful or left out - share your dreams and goals so that you can be on the same page.
Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter retrograde, your ruling planet, on Sunday. This may limit your free time or put obstacles in the way of any fun you have planned - be patient.
For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.
The earthy lunar vibe midweek tickles your sense of fun, so there are lots of opportunities to be spontaneous and silly, in the nicest way. If you’re dating, this is also brilliant energy for getting to know someone new - and very sensual too!
The Venus-Mars square on Friday creates some confusion, however. You may find different people telling you different things, and you’re not sure who to believe as you trust them all. Avoid acting on third-hand information until things become clear.
The opposition between Mercury retrograde and Jupiter retrograde on Sunday is a wake-up call for your work-life balance. Look for solutions that will let you work from home more, to help save time, energy, and frustration.
Your head is in the past for much of this week, especially Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You’re spending a lot of time in your head revisiting memories and experiences, some pleasant but many not so pleasant. One incident, in particular, preoccupies you.
On Friday, this may come to a head during a tense clash between Venus and Mars. You may feel angry about a wrong that happened and determined to set it right by whatever dramatic means possible. Talk to those you love and get advice; you’re not in this alone.
On Sunday, as Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter retrograde, communication is packed with exaggerations, bluffs, and deliberate misdirections. It’s easy to get someone to believe something untrue - but just because it’s easy doesn’t mean you should do it!
A very busy lunar vibe keeps you on your toes for most of the week, especially midweek. There are people to see, errands to run, chores to do, work to take care of - oh, and a life to live, too. Don’t forget to create some time to relax!
A volatile square aspect between Venus and Mars on Friday puts you right in the middle of a drama between your lover and your blood relatives. Neither side is covering themselves in glory here, but to keep the peace you will need to make a firm decision.
Look to Sunday’s opposition between Mercury retrograde and Jupiter retrograde for some insight into an emotional money-related matter. Following your heart will lead you to a solution, even if it at first seems illogical.
For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.