What Each Zodiac Sign Is Most Addicted To
Everyone has their vice. Some are common, tuning into a reality TV show you hate but can't get enough of, indulging in sweets more often than you should, or being unable to tap out of that one social media site that you just can't stop scrolling. It's part of living, and if it's not hurting your life, it's not something to be ashamed of.
However, some vices keep us from growing, with some being more common among certain people. You can even look to your zodiac sign to discover what addiction you may be using to keep yourself from facing hard truths.
The only way to know everything your astrological makeup reflects about you is to get a full birth chart reading. Learn about your different signs, what they mean, and what they say about you.
Not only that, but you get a glimpse into your future, see events that are yet to come, and how you can best prepare for them. For a full, personalized birth chart reading that will change your life, click here.

Aries is most addicted to adrenaline.
Aries has always been know as a bold, lively, exciting sign, a lover of adventure and thrill. Some are major risk-takers, regularly doing shocking activities like skydiving or free climbing, while others just like pushing the boundaries of risk, taking smaller doses of smaller thrills to get the same effect.
There's no need to explain why adrenaline-seeking can become dangerous. There's a risk for trauma, injury, or even death around every corner, so Aries needs to be extra careful with how often they put themselves in harm's way.

Taurus is most addicted to independence.
You'll often hear a Taurus say that they work better alone or that they prefer their own company, that they're anti-social, or the like. They don't necessarily dislike people, but they feel much more comfortable relying solely on themselves for things, unsure if they can trust anyone else.
This type of thinking can easily lead to isolating behaviors. They think they're working in their own best interest by being as independent as possible, when really, they're just cutting themselves off from other people, severing ties before they get hurt.

Gemini is most addicted to relationships.
On the opposite end of the spectrum from Taurus, there's Gemini, a known social creature that loves to surround themselves with others. Because of this, Gemini also loves the excitement of a new relationship, hooked on the honeymoon phase.
Gemini's social circles are often large and diverse, meaning they find themselves falling in love with someone new often, jumping from relationship to relationship. This is done partially for the thrill, yes, but also as a means of avoiding their true, darker feelings about themselves and life. They'd rather bottle it up and distract themselves than face the truth.

Cancer is most addicted to social media.
Cancers love to admire a perfectly curated social media life. They can definitely be a bit naive in that they fall for the manicured presentations of others, thinking it to be a real, achievable life that they can also have if they just follow the direction of others.
Given their love of beauty and aesthetics, this may come as little surprise, but their addiction runs deeper than a simple appreciation. They're always comparing themselves to what they see online, eroding their self-esteem and keeping them from living their real life.

Leo is most addicted to shopping.
Leos love to browse. As soon as they're feeling any sort of upset, they'll pull up their favorite window-shopping websites and look around for hours. This quickly leads to them buying one or two things that they think will help them feel better, which would be fine on its own, but because it happens so often, the costs start to add up.
Retail therapy is a real weakness for a Leo, one that only leaves them feeling worse as soon as they think about how much money has been spent. They get by on temporary fixes of happiness to avoid long-term work on their actual issues.

Virgo is most addicted to anxiety and pressure.
This may seem strange at first glance. How can someone be addicted to anxiety if it doesn't feel good to experience? The problem is that Virgos tend to convince themselves that they produce their best work while under pressure, letting deadlines creep up until they're pushed into action by force. After enough years of doing that, they start to think it's the only way they can get anything done.
This, of course, isn't true. They claim this to avoid working on their motivation and consistency issues, especially if they're self-conscious about those things. They'd rather drive themself into the ground first.

Libra is most addicted to technology.
Libras sometimes think they're above being dependent on or addicted to anything when, really, they tend to have the most basic addiction of the modern age: technology. This could mean their phone, their computer, a gaming console, a specific app, or other technological dependency, whatever they turn to and keep their hands busy with during all of their free time.
It's a way to calm their otherwise racing thoughts. If they can keep themselves visually stimulated at all times, their mind won't wander to things they'd rather not think about. Technology is amazing, and it certainly has its uses, but this isn't one of them.

Scorpio is most addicted to heartbreak.
Scorpios tend to be seen as closed-off or mysterious, but anyone who's gotten to know them knows this isn't the case. They're very desperate to be seen, understood, and known on a deep level, which is why they'll settle for less-than-stellar relationships just to get that fix. This leads them down the road of heartbreak time and time again, every time running to the next person who will have them.
Like other signs, this is done as a means of avoiding any actual self-improvement work. They'll try and try again in hopes that this time, things will be different, but they refuse to look at the underlying causes.

Sagittarius is most addicted to escapism.
We already know Sagittarius to be the most adventurous sign, often watered down into enjoying just travel, but should a Sagittarius not be able to travel for whatever reason, they'll find other ways to escape their own life. This could be pouring themselves into fictional settings via books or video games, leading a sort of double-life on social media where they act completely different, or picking up new hobbies constantly so things always feel different.
Whatever they can do to distract themselves from their real-world issues, they'll do it. They'd rather chase flights of fancy that lead nowhere than be made to face one of their many worries.

Capricorn is most addicted to trends.
Capricorns are generally seen as pretty mature and lauded for their work ethic and discipline, but they have their juvenile vices, too, namely in the form of trend-chasing. They attentively watch for trends, either consciously or subconsciously, and try their best to fit into them while they're in fashion, wanting to seem forward-thinking and up-to-date on things.
They also do this because they're very desperate to be liked. They harbor a deep sense of insecurity that they do their best to hide, even from themselves, but like all of us, they crave true connection, believing that following what's popular is the best path there.

Aquarius is most addicted to work.
While Capricorns are most often considered the workaholics of the zodiac, it's Aquarius who puts in endless amounts of work behind the scenes. This is because their addiction to work doesn't usually manifest in their actual workplace. You'll see it applied to their hobbies, their volunteer work, or even just helping their friends.
They want to put 110% into everything they do, even if that means burning themselves out in the process. They want to be seen as useful, so others want to keep them around, not always confident that their personality alone is enough of a reason for people to like them.

Pisces is most addicted to food.
This could really be expanded to many types of creature comforts, but food is most prominent. Pisces is an emotional sign; they feel things very strongly, and if they never learn how to cope with those feelings in a healthy way, they'll find other ways to self-soothe when things get tough.
This includes food, either under or overeating, eating one type of food repeatedly, or spending too much money on food as a quick way to feel better when things get too upsetting, stressful, or confusing.