What You Need To Say No To Right Now, According To Your Zodiac Sign

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There's no such thing as a life free from bad habits. Whether we realize them or not, we all have a vice, a weakness, a faux pas we engage in. It's part of living, it's part of being a complex person, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't work to fix the ones we spot.

What bad habits you get depends on a lot of things, but your zodiac sign can make you more likely to fall into certain types or genres of habits. Here, you'll find the habit that it's time to say no to and finally kick out of your life, according to your zodiac sign.

To learn what your astrological chart has to say about you, you'll need a full reading, which you can get for FREE by clicking here.

Don't wait, see what's coming up in your future today.

Two cut-off circles of orange to purple watercolor paint sit on the sides of the banner ad, both overlaid with minimalistic white graphics of zodiac constellations on top, a white background behind them. There's dark purple text that reads,
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Canva Pro

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Aries - Humble Bragging

A woman against a pink background posing with a very cocky, smug expression.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

We've all encountered the 'humble bragger,' that person who manages to slip their accomplishments into every conversation, no matter how irrelevant. It's natural to want to share our successes! But constantly doing so or doing it in a way that seems smug can come across as insecure and self-centered rather than celebratory.


This month, say no to only focusing on your accomplishments and turn that pride outward. Listen to what others are up to, their recent wins, and what they're proud of right now. When you do have something to celebrate, share it openly and honestly without trying to disguise it as a complaint or offhand remark.

To learn more about Aries, click here!


Taurus - Social Media Stalking

A close photo of a woman scrolling through her phone.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

In the age of social media, it's all too easy to fall into the habit of endlessly scrolling through others' profiles. Whether you're following everything a certain someone posts or finding any random person to become envious of, it's a bad habit indeed, only serving to make us feel worse.


This month, Taurus, say no to spending all your time on other peoples' social media pages. Try to spend more time actively engaging with the friends you do have, not obsessing over the people who are no longer in your life. Always knowing what's going on in their lives means you'll never move on.

To learn more about Taurus, click here!


Gemini - Interrupting Conversations

Two young girls in class, one looking frustrated as the other raises a finger to interrupt her.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Geminis are known social butterflies who love a good, lively conversation, but sometimes their enthusiasm gets the better of them and they become chronic interrupters. They have good intentions and want to contribute to the conversation, but when that comes at the expense of cutting other people off, it can frustrate those around them.


This month, say no to jumping the gun and to speaking as soon as you have a thought. Now's a time for active listening instead. If you feel the urge to interject, try writing down your thoughts or tucking them away instead of blurting them out immediately. Your friends will appreciate your patience.

To learn more about Gemini, click here!


Cancer - Being An Emotional Vampire

A man looking sad, pinching the bridge of his nose, as his friends sit behind him.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Emotional vampires are those individuals who seem to suck the life out of every interaction with their constant negativity, complaints, and drama. Cancers, known to let their feelings envelop them, can sometimes become this type of person during tough times.


Your friends want to be there to support you when you need it and are happy to listen to your venting; you just have to be mindful of when you might be overloading them with all that's going wrong. Take a step back, truly listen to the advice they're giving you, and let yourself be comforted by their presence in your life. You'll be surprised how much that one little act of gratitude can help.

To learn more about Cancer, click here!


Leo - Chronic Complaining

A man looking tired, leaning his cheek in his hand, while his wife sits next to him complaining.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Similar to Cancer but with a different angle, Leos can sometimes get caught up in chronic complaining when times get frustrating. Complaining is natural; everyone does it! But doing it with such frequency and with no positivity in between can create a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts and push others away.


If you find yourself about to complain, pause and ask whether voicing the complaint will actually lead to a solution or if it's just venting. Venting is fine, but only venting with no solutions leaves you stuck in the place that's angering you so much. You have to commit to changing the thing that gives you so many reasons to complain in the first place.

To learn more about Leo, click here!


Virgo - Gossiping

Two women gossiping, one leaning to the other's ear and covering her mouth to speak in secrecy.
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Canva Pro

There's no person on Earth who's able to resist gossiping. At least, not forever. It can definitely become a bad habit if practiced enough, something that Virgo falls into rather easily. Though it can be fun at the moment, it ultimately erodes trust, damages relationships, and reflects poorly on the gossiper in the long run.


To break this habit, make a conscious effort to redirect conversations when they veer into negative territory about others. If you find yourself tempted to share gossip, ask yourself how you would feel if someone were spreading similar information about you. You'll find other things to talk about!

To learn more about Virgo, click here!


Libra - One-Upping Everybody

A woman showing off her engagement ring to her friends seated around her.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

We've all met the kind of person who seems determined to top every story or accomplishment shared by others. Libras are especially guilty of this, feeling this need to prove themselves as valuable, skilled, or worthy of attention. However, it can leave others feeling diminished and reluctant to share their experiences, worried the Libra will immediately chime in with something above them.


When someone shares a story or achievement, focus on asking questions and showing interest rather than immediately thinking of how to relate it to yourself. By celebrating others' successes and unique experiences, you'll create a more supportive and enjoyable social environment for everyone involved.

To learn more about Libra, click here!


Scorpio - Canceling Plans

A woman laying on her side in bed, looking sad or tired as she stares at her phone, the screen illuminating her face.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

We all have that friend who consistently cancels plans at the last minute, leaving others feeling disappointed and undervalued. For some, this friend is a Scorpio, who can become a frequent flake when times get tough. Occasional cancellations are fine, it's chronic canceling that can damage relationships.


Try to be more selective about the commitments you make and honor them whenever possible. If you find yourself frequently overwhelmed by social obligations, learn to say "no" upfront rather than agreeing and canceling later. By being more reliable and respectful of others' time, you'll strengthen your relationships and build a reputation as a dependable friend.

To learn more about Scorpio, click here!


Sagittarius - Giving Unsolicited Advice

Two friends sitting side by side at a cafe, one speaking in an animated fashion.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Sagittarius can get into a really bad habit of always trying to fix other people's problems. While well-intentioned, constantly giving unsolicited advice can be frustrating and disempowering for the person venting. It can even come across as patronizing or dismissive of others' abilities to solve their own issues.


To say no to this impulse, practice active listening without immediately jumping to solutions. When someone shares a problem, ask if they're looking for advice or simply need to vent. If they do want input, offer suggestions gently and frame them as options rather than directives. Remember that sometimes people just need to be heard and validated rather than "fixed."

To learn more about Sagittarius, click here!


Capricorn - Making Every Conversation About Themselves

Two women having a conversation, a conversation that one of them is clearly dominating.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

We've all been in conversations where one person seems determined to make every topic about themselves, and Capricorn can become this person if they don't check themselves. This habit of hijacking conversations only frustrates others as they grow tired of the focus always being turned toward the Capricorn in question.


When you feel the urge to share a related personal story, pause and consider whether it truly adds value to the conversation or if it's just an attempt to shift the focus back to yourself. You can contribute without making it about you by being invested in what others have to say, their experiences, stories, and life as a whole.

To learn more about Capricorn, click here!


Aquarius - Oversharing

A man and a woman hugging outside. We can only see the woman's face, she's smiling brightly.
Canva Pro
Canva Pro

While openness and vulnerability are important for building connections, something Aquarius is well aware of is that oversharing can make others uncomfortable and create artificial intimacy. At the moment, it feels like you're growing closer to someone and opening up to them, but in reality, it can actually push people away if you come on too hard too soon.


To avoid oversharing, practice discernment in your conversations and gradually build trust before revealing any deeply personal information. Pay attention to social cues and reciprocity in conversations. Remember that true intimacy develops over time through shared experiences and mutual trust, not by spilling all your secrets right away.

To learn more about Aquarius, click here!


Pisces - Being On Their Phone Constantly

A woman looking at her daughter, who's ignoring her by looking at her phone, with an annoyed expression.
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Canva Pro

In our hyper-connected world, it's become increasingly common to see people glued to their phones or other devices during social outings, a habit Pisces tends to fall into. They're an escapist type, always looking to retreat somewhere, and phones are the perfect vessel for that. However, all this does is leave people feeling ignored and disrespected.


Your have to make a conscious effort to be fully present during face-to-face interactions. Challenge yourself to keep your phone out of sight or only check it during breaks in the conversation. There needs to be a healthy separation between your phone and your real life, but you're the only one with the power to draw that line.

To learn more about Pisces, click here!

A purple textured background with a large, semi-transparent graphic of Higher Perspective's mandala logo rising from the lower right corner. There's white text that reads,
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Canva Pro

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