Woman Has Her First Child At Age 72, After She Had Lost Hope And Felt “Empty”

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When should a woman give up on her dream of becoming a mother? After all the gift of life is the most mesmerizing phenomenon that a woman could experience, so is it fair to ever ask to give on it? Some say that when a woman reaches a certain age she should no longer have children even if her body allows as it could not only have complications but put the child at risk when it has outlive its parents at a young age.

No matter your stance, a couple in India have broken have defied all age-related odds, and had a healthy baby in their 70s. This is their story.

The Dream Of MotherHood

baby laying down

truly / Youtube

truly / Youtube

The couple had been married for 47 years and from the beginning dreamed of having a child. Sadly despite their attempts, they never bore one. However, they never lost hope. They figured that if they were patient the universe would eventually reward them. Perhaps it was a question of timing but they wouldn’t give up.

The couple considered adoption but wouldn’t settle as their wish was to have their blood child. Daljinder Kaur’s dream in life was to hold her own baby, kiss its forehead and feel like she had created a life. Without this dream becoming reality, her life felt meaningless. She explains: “I used to feel empty. There was so much loneliness…I had lost hope of becoming a mother ever.”