You Can Never Win At A Toxic Person’s Games, So Don’t Play

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Any human relationship, no matter the context or level of closeness, is a back-and-forth. You both give and take, you work together to build something between you, and you try to make each other better where you can. Well, unless you're dealing with a particularly toxic person, as they tend to have other goals.

Making yourself immune to tactics used by these types of people can help protect your peace, your soul, and your heart. The easiest way to do so is to commit to not playing their games. That's the only way you'll win.

Having to deal with people like this can instill a lot of limiting beliefs about yourself, thoughts that stifle your self-esteem and keep you complacent. These beliefs don't have to control you. You can rise above them.

Using an easy-to-listen audio program, you can be taught how to defeat these thoughts that bind you and soar high above the depths they've pulled you to. Click here to learn more and start your journey to a better self today.

Playing Their Game

A woman sitting up in bed, covering her face in distress, the man she was sleeping next to visible in the background.
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Engaging with toxic people is exhausting. They often thrive on conflict, control, and manipulation, turning every exchange into a power play. Understanding this dynamic is the first step in handling any relationship you may have with someone like this. After that, you must learn that the only way to win with a toxic person is not to play at all. By not engaging, you deny them the reaction or the control they seek, and this is where your power lies.

Maintaining this stance requires resilience and a strong sense of self. Remember that every minute you spend entangled in their toxic web is a minute of peace and productivity lost in your own life. The chaos and tension these people bring can be negated, but it takes some work to start doing it regularly and effectively.


Recognizing Toxic Behavior Patterns

A woman with her hand to her mouth, looking tired, while a woman who appears to be her mother speaks critically behind her.
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Toxic individuals thrive on control, manipulation, and, often, drama. Their behavior can include anything from subtle put-downs and backhanded compliments to outright aggression and gaslighting. Recognizing these behaviors is the first step in not playing their game. You have to trust your instincts. If someone consistently makes you feel undervalued, anxious, or on edge, these are signs that you might be dealing with a toxic person, and it's time to re-evaluate your relationship with them.


These methods of control they exert over you can be deeply damaging. Over time, you may find your self-esteem eroding, your energy depleting, and your overall happiness diminishing. It's not uncommon to feel trapped in a cycle of trying to fix or appease the toxic individual, but this is precisely the game you don't want to play. Instead, focus on deflecting their attempts at control.


No Means No

A business woman holding out her hand in a 'no' gesture toward a male colleague.
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The strongest method you can use to do just that is by setting boundaries. Setting boundaries is all about self-respect and is perhaps the biggest act of self-care you can do when facing a toxic person. It involves clearly communicating what is and isn't acceptable to you and then sticking to those limits. When a toxic person realizes they can't push your buttons, their influence over you fizzles out. They give up.


Boundaries can be both emotional and physical. It might mean limiting the time you spend with the person, choosing not to engage in certain topics of conversation, or even ending the relationship if necessary. You have a right to determine what is and isn't allowed in your life. No amount of guilt should push you to think otherwise.


The Silent Treatment

A woman with her head in her hand while a man sitting behind her has his hands together in a praying motion, asking for forgiveness.
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Sometimes, the best response to toxicity is no response at all. Engaging with a toxic person often leads to nowhere, it can even escalate the situation and leave you feeling worse. By choosing silence, you're taking away their power to affect you. This doesn't mean you're giving in or that they've won, it means you're choosing your battles wisely.


Silence can be empowering. It allows you to conserve your energy for more positive and productive endeavors while not letting the toxic person drag you into their chaos. When you remain calm and composed, you retain control over the situation and deflect any manipulative tactics used on you.


Taking Care Of Yourself

A woman with her hand in a fist over her heart.
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Dealing with toxic individuals can be exhausting, making self-care even more critical. Prioritizing your well-being helps you to maintain your resilience and perspective. Engage in activities that replenish your energy and bring you joy, whether that's spending time with loved ones, practicing a hobby, or simply taking a walk in nature.


Self-care also means being kind to yourself. Recognize that you're doing the best you can in a difficult situation and that it's okay to seek support from friends, family, or a professional if needed. Taking care of your mental and emotional health is a powerful way to stay above the fray.


Not Your Responsibility

A man walking on the beach, eyes closed, head tilted up, the wind blowing his hair back.
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One of the most challenging aspects of dealing with toxic people is accepting that you cannot change them. The desire to help or fix someone can be strong, especially if you care about them, but you have to recognize that it's not your job to do that. They are responsible for their own actions, they need to mature and realize that no one will want to stick around if they keep acting like this.


Remember that you have control over your peace. When you decide not to play the toxic games, you're not just avoiding unnecessary conflicts, you're also affirming your self-worth and signaling to others that you value your mental health above hollow validation. It's a declaration that your personal peace is non-negotiable and that, in itself, is a powerful victory.

Victories like that can help boost your self-esteem in times of crisis, so you should cling onto and celebrate everyone you can get. However, you can't build a foundation for a better, more consistent level of happiness with fleeting moments alone.

To truly change your life and start healing the baggage you still carry with you, you'll need something that's always there for you. This program is designed to teach you how to reframe your experiences so you can enjoy more happiness, abundance, and freedom. Click here to learn more today.