Your Weekly Horoscope, December 17th – 23rd, 2023
To best prepare for the week ahead, it's good to know what the stars and the movement of the moon have in store, as both can lend wonderful advice to help you sort yourself out over the coming days.
This week will begin with a charge of positive energy, granting us motivation and courage to tackle the week ahead. We'll then be making pragmatic social decisions just ahead of the holidays, either by planning events or making space for people we can't see during Christmas or the New Year.
With the planets and other celestial bodies always in motion, it means our lives and our paths are always changing in turn, guided by their divine forces.
To learn more about how those forces will continue to influence your life for years and decades to come, you can get a personalized birth chart reading. It will help you better understand not only yourself but your future, too! Click here to get started today and see what awaits!

This week marks a positive change for you, Aries. You're recognizing that an activity you enjoy may not be in your best interest to continue, maybe becoming too much of a money sink or causing you more stress than it does joy. Make the choice to prioritize genuine self-care over repeating behaviors that don't serve you well. It'll be a step in the right direction.
Your financial planning will also come into play this week. If you've been considering making a budget, especially one geared for the holidays or the new year, now's the time. Being careful about spending now will pay off (literally) in the future.

This week might feel a bit busy for you, Taurus, so you'll have to focus on the little changes you can make to have it go smoother. It could be as simple as adjusting your schedule slightly or as complex as a full weekly rearranging of tasks. Whatever helps you get through this bustling time of year.
There's a thirst for knowledge in the air, too. Whether delving into a new subject or navigating an exciting part of existing lessons you're in, the desire to absorb all the information you can will be strong. If you're in a teaching role, your words will be extra impactful this week, so choose them carefully.

Geminis will be resonating on a very positive frequency this week, feeling a drawback into self-care practices they've let fall by the wayside. If you've neglected your routines during these busy times, consider incorporating them back into your daily life, even if you start with just one.
Your intuition is remarkably accurate this week. Expect messages about family or friends to come your way. You may have some rather interesting dreams as well, offering glimpses into your future or shifting your perspective in a way you never considered.

This week is all about achieving balance within your flow, Cancer. Something you regularly enjoy may not be the best for your physical well-being. Today is a great opportunity to explore other enjoyable activities that not only bring joy but also strengthen your body, fostering health and wellness for your future.
If you're facing some tough times emotionally, look to a friend for support. You'll find a kind and gentle listening ear, someone who wants to help you bounce back from whatever it is you're dealing with. Ignore the usual guilt you feel when asking for help. You're worth the effort, and your friend will be happy to assist.

This week calls for celebration, as positive changes are on the horizon for you, Leo! Consider making adjustments at home to boost your health and well-being. First, identify your problem areas, rank them by priority, and then start tackling them one by one, as slowly or as quickly as you see fit.
Recognition for your hard work is in the cards. A client might express appreciation for your assistance, or a boss might acknowledge your hard work. There's potential for a gift or bonus, too. Let the pride that comes with praise help fuel you through the rest of this week.

You'll be feeling on top of the world this week, Virgo. Be ready for a surprise apology, an unexpected bout of praise, or something else you've been wanting to finally happen. This vindication will fill you with motivation and energy, use it wisely!
Your knack for planning is once again your superpower, ensuring this week goes by smoothly. Despite a busy schedule, you navigate it with precision, always choosing the best route possible and either finishing things or arriving at places on time. Your organizational talents are on full display, you might even be complimented for it.

This week brings healing, Libra, especially in the realm of finances. You've been addressing and resolving issues related to money, possibly rooted in childhood or early experiences, and now you'll be seeing the results of that work. You've done the work and paved the way for a more secure future. Enjoy that feeling!
You hold a lot more power than you realize. When it comes to work, you hold the upper hand, even against those in higher positions, able to leverage your work ethic in your favor. It's likely that the other party needs you more than you need them. Success is within reach, so long as you go into any conversations or dealings with confidence.

This week, it's all about self-care for you, Scorpio. Indulge in some restful moments, perhaps with a good nap, a massage, some meditation in your favorite place, or a relaxing trip in the sauna. Taking extra care of yourself is the key right now.
In matters of the heart, you and your sweetheart are perfectly aligned this week. You'll be perfectly in sync on all fronts. For those seeking love, you might encounter someone new this week and have some promising feelings about them. Harmony is on the horizon as you connect with someone special.

This week, it's all about finding clarity in your life. After a packed November (and some of December), taking a moment to recenter is crucial. Whatever spiritual or emotional practices bring you calm, practice them in excess.
Though the rush hasn't quite ended, your efficiency is off the charts, so it's not without its perks. Achieving more in a day than most could in a week is well within your grasp. Sort out a bunch of manageable tasks that need to be done and get to work. Let abundant momentum propel you forward.

This week will be a week of repair for Capricorn. You'll have a chance to reconcile some past wrongs done by both others and yourself, so welcome that accepting and forgiving energy into your heart.
You'll feel the urge to get out of the house at some point, especially with other people. Plan a day of running errands or a meet-up with a friend. There are good times to be had if you make the effort this week!

This week, Aquarius, you're contemplating a significant life change. You'll feel the call to participate in something bigger than yourself, something that helps others. Now's a great time to sign up for any charitable events or to volunteer at a local organization, especially with Christmas just around the corner.
Your knack for time management and organizational planning will come into play as well. You'll be given an opportunity to really flex those skills, so don't hold back! Let yourself be the hero and relish in the praise you receive.

This week brings a chance for a meaningful reunion, Pisces, perhaps with someone from your past. There's potential for a healing moment between you and this person. By the end, you might be eager to share more time together, or you may know once and for all that you're better off leaving them behind. Either way, you'll know peace.
Surrounding this moment, you'll be making plans with ease, likely holiday-related ones given the time of year. Feel free to specifically fit things to your schedule right now as you'll have that power. Make the holidays easy on yourself, give yourself plenty of time to rest.