Your Weekly Horoscope, October 29th – November 4th, 2023
To best prepare for the week ahead, it's good to know what the stars and the movement of the moon have in store, as both can lend wonderful advice to help you sort yourself out over the coming days.
This week will begin with a bit of frustration, many of us running into dead ends or facing countless issues that muddy our moods. Luckily, this will dissipate by the week's end, when we'll feel our hearts opening to something new.
With the planets and other celestial bodies always in motion, it means our lives and our paths are always changing in turn, guided by their divine forces.
To learn more about how those forces will continue to influence your life for years and decades to come, you can get a personalized birth chart reading. It will help you better understand not only yourself but your future, too! Click here to get started today and see what awaits!

This week will start with you feeling a little impatient, Aries. You're full of this antsy type of energy, feeling this desire to go, go, go, but lacking guidance, so you don't know where exactly you should be going. Think simple, and use that energy for easy household tasks that will leave you feeling fulfilled and accomplished.
Once you spend all that energy and finally feel yourself calm, you'll quickly shift into feeling bored, ever insatiable. Now would be the perfect time to take up a creative endeavor you've been thinking of, as you'll feel both motivated and dedicated to getting it done.

Taurus, you'll start this week feeling a little frustrated when it comes to relationships. There will be one person in mind, be it a partner or someone you're interested in, who seems unwilling to share the full breadth of their feelings with you. It's important to remember that not everyone moves to the same emotional ebbs and flows that you do. If this pace is bothering you, talk to them about it, but don't silently expect them to catch up.
However that situation resolves, you'll feel a desire to lean into whimsy during the latter half of this week. You'll want to indulge in childish joys, letting go of your inhibitions so you can express yourself to your fullest extent. Don't let this feeling go.

You're a live wire at the start of this week, Gemini. Every little thing is going to feel like a major annoyance. Should something go wrong, even something small, that annoyance will grow into full-blown anger. Be sure to take things slow and engage in something physical so you can blow off some of that steam.
Don't worry, though, as this anger will settle into something far more manageable. As the week goes on, you'll start feeling a great need for change. An easy way to enact this is to freshen up a space in your home by redecorating, but if you have other areas of your life that you know need attention, look there, too.

Cancer, this week begins with feelings of impatience, especially when it comes to love. You're simply dying for some affection but don't know how to ask for it. Don't forget that you have to communicate your desires if you ever want them to be fulfilled. Other people, even your partner, can't read your mind.
Beyond that need for attention will be the need for some fun. You'll be feeling energetic and wanting to try something new, something exciting. Seek out these experiences to feel that needed shake-up in your life.

Leo's early-week frustrations will manifest in the home. Be it actual maintenance problems or feeling unsatisfied with the way it's decorated, things will just feel wrong. Luckily, you'll also be granted the energy you need to fix those things, so don't let these annoyances drag you down too much.
Later this week will bring some pressure in the finance areas of your life. You'll feel the urge to impulse spend, but be sure to fight against that impulse. You do deserve a little gift from time to time, but maybe set a savings goal instead that, once you hit it, can allow you to get yourself that thing you were looking to buy.

Virgo is actually the first sign in the lineup that appears to not be facing any sort of frustration early this week. Instead, they'll be busying themselves with housework and other management tasks, covering the work of multiple people with confidence. It'll tire you out, yes, but you'll also get a lot done. Just be sure not to burn yourself out.
The latter half of the week will bring feelings of wanting to change, wanting to evolve, or wanting to simply be a new person. You feel growth on the horizon and want to reach it sooner rather than later but remember to stay patient. You'll get there.

Libra's week will begin in the realm of finances, as there will be some good energy for money-making. Pick up an extra shift or delve into some overtime, you'll have the energy and the motivation to do so this week. Alternatively, you can do some financial planning, sort out some budget issues, or set a new savings goal.
Once that's all set aside, you'll feel the pull towards the mystical elements of life, feeling the desire to consult some divination work or do some meditating, whatever brings you closer to your spirituality. This will help you feel grounded as the week turns over.

Scorpio will be starting this week with a lot of energy, feeling almost pent up with how badly you want to just race around and experience all you can in the span of a few days. You're impatient, you're pacing, you're unfocused. Do whatever you can to get that energy out, as your mind will remain unable to focus until you do.
Once you've settled down, you'll still feel a sense of vigor and excitement, it just won't be so overwhelming and stifling. You'll actually be able to plan a fun day out, and you should! When wishing for joy, seek joy; after all, it's how we stay alive.

You'll start this week feeling pretty dodgy, Sagittarius. You have things you need to do but no motivation to do them. Questions, obligations, interrogations, suggestions, you'll skirt around them all as you're not really in the mood to actually face anything. That's okay, we all want to indulge in some escapism now and then, and you're allowed to, but just be sure to do so responsibly and don't let anything too important fall by the wayside.
That escapism, however you chase it, will help you feel inspired throughout the rest of the week. You'll want to truly express yourself in some fashion and do something new that you've always dreamed of but never had the courage to do. The courage is here now. Don't let that slip away.

Capricorn's mind will be filled with thoughts of their friends and social circles at the start of this week. You might be feeling a bit analytical about these relationships, even a little critical, wanting to cut away any interaction that no longer serves you, but don't jump the gun here. Your tendency to move through things quickly might come back to bite you should you hurt the wrong person.
It's best to let those thoughts marinate for a while so you can be sure of them. This whole week will fill you with a bit of rebellious energy, and while that can be healthy, you don't want to do anything too damaging either, to yourself or to others. Just be careful.

Aquarius may be facing some roadblocks on the journey toward their goals this week. Maybe they're unexpected, or maybe you see them coming a mile away, but they're frustrating nonetheless, and you're tired of dealing with them. Unfortunately, there's no easy solution here. Just remember how much this will pay off once you finally reach the end of this road.
In retaliation to these troubles and to counterbalance the self-discipline, you'll need to handle them, you're going to be feeling defiant. Push back a little, take a risk or two, or do something that lights a spark in you (while also staying safe, of course).

The beginning of this week will be very task-oriented for Pisces. You have a lot on your to-do list with a few looming deadlines, and it's starting to stress you out. Take a deep breath because you do have this. Plan a nice relaxing night once you get everything done to reward yourself for all the hard work you've put in lately!
Once all of that is off your plate, you'll want to turn away from personal matters and onto more relationship-driven endeavors, bringing new people into your close circles. This isn't a bad thing at all, but here's a reminder to stay on your guard for those with less-than-stellar intentions. They're more common than a Pisces heart may want to believe.